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Unfortunately, there are not many educational products out there today that dive deep into the subject of EMF radiation and how to protect ourselves from our own cell phones, WiFi and other EMF sources – EMF sources that we surround ourselves with daily for both convenience, and  because in today’s world, it is tough not to.

Introducing the EMF Health Summit.

The EMF Health Summit is very informative, and it may prove to be a valuable piece to add to your collection, providing much assistance with the constant battle of protecting yourself and your family from excessive EMF exposure.

In short, the EMF Health Summit is a simple and straightforward video course containing over 30 valuable EMF informational videos presented by leading EMF experts.  In this course, you will learn how to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of EMF.   Common forms of EMF exposure that are covered in this video course are cell phone radiation, WiFi and various other EMF technologies.  There are over 30 video interviews with renowned EMF experts in this course.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to find in just 7 days if your headaches, brain fog, depression or fatigue can be EMF related
  • A simple technique that will take 20-30 minutes to reduce inflammation and help reduce pain relief with no side effects
  • How to improve your sleep and reduce nighttime EMF exposure by up to 90% with one simple and free modification in your bedroom
  • Dozens of simple ways to reduce you and your family’s exposure to EMF
  • How to get back your health and reduce your aging process

>> Learn more about the EMF Health Summit.

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