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Some Great EMF Awareness Books

EMF Awareness Books

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Each day we seem to surround ourselves with various devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptops.  In today’s world, they really are hard to avoid.  And while they do seem to have a somewhat positive, convenient impact on how we work, play and communicate, the constant contact with these any many other devices do come with a tails side of the coin.  Bottom line is that there are many health concerns regarding EMF exposure that we need to be aware of.  We all need to educate ourselves more on the subject of EMF exposure, and we all need to learn how to protect ourselves better.  Listed below are some great EMF awareness books.  Enjoy and be well.

Book 1: Radiation Nation – Complete Guide Book to EMF Protection and Safety

By Daniel T. DeBaun (Author), Ryan P. DeBaun (Author), and Dave Asprey (Foreward)

Written by the founders of DefenderShield, Radiation Nation dives into the proven health risks associated with EMF exposure and how to protect yourself and family.  The book touches on major health risks associated with EMF exposure such as fertility issues, DNA damage, cell mutation, cancer and others.  Radiation Nation explains how EMF radiation affects children and those with electromagnetic hypersensitivity.  It dives into the sources of EMF radiation of the greatest concern and offers advice on how to minimize health risks.  Some topics include the areas of concern for overall health, ways to protect ourselves and the the “big five” EMF sources (cell phones, laptops, tablets, smart meters and WiFi networks).

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Book 2: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology

By Nicolas Pineault (Author)

While this book is a fairly quick read, it provides an open-minded examination that reveals just how out-of-date our existing safety standards really are.  It teaches what you can do today in order to limit the amount of EMF exposure.

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Book 3: EMF Practical Guide: The Simple Science of Protecting Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation, and Living a Naturally Healthy Life in our Toxic Electromagnetic World.

By Lloyd Burrell (Author)

After years of suffering various EMF related issues (fatigue, aches and pains, etc.), after various examinations by numerous medical specialists, the author penned a book on what exactly worked for him.  The author dives into the many subjects of EMF including protecting yourself from 5G, how to easily defend yourself against the EMF exposure from laptops and tablets, why WiFi is particularly harmful and ways to reduce exposure.

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Book 4: Wireless-wise Kids: Safe ways to use mobile and wireless technology

By  Lyn McLean (Author), Janet Selby (Illustrator)

Searching for an illustrated book to better help children understand the importance of using mobile devices and wireless technology safely?  This book may help.  It is clearly written and well illustrated.

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Video (MP3) Book 5: EMF Health Summit

The EMF Health Summit is a simple and straightforward video course containing over 30 valuable EMF informational videos presented by leading EMF experts.  Learn how to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of EMF.   Common forms of EMF exposure that are covered in this video course are cell phone radiation, WiFi and various other EMF technologies.  There are over 30 video interviews with renowned EMF experts in this course.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to find in just 7 days if your headaches, brain fog, depression or fatigue can be EMF related
  • A simple technique that will take 20-30 minutes to reduce inflammation and help reduce pain relief with no side effects
  • How to improve your sleep and reduce nighttime EMF exposure by up to 90% with one simple and free modification in your bedroom
  • Dozens of simple ways to reduce you and your family’s exposure to EMF
  • How to get back your health and reduce your aging process

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Book 6: EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself

By: Dr. Joseph Mercola

This book discusses the dangers of EMFs and how to protect yourself and family.  It contains a comprehensive compilation of the history, politics, and the well researched methods on how to protect yourself from EMF.

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Book 7: Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification

By: Regina Martino

I touched on the use of shungite for emf protection previously in an article entitled Can I Use Shungite for EMF Protection? What Is This Stuff?. This book, however, goes into great detail on the subject.  It explains how shungite combats the damaging effects of EMF radiation from technologies such as computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices.  It further details the various healing uses of Shungite.

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In Conclusion

Above are only some of the great EMF awareness books available.  I will be adding more as time goes on.  I hope you find these books useful.  Enjoy and be well.

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emf books

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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