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Do you wish to put your creative side to good use?  Or maybe create a wonderful work of art using EMF protective fabrics?  Or perhaps you need some fabric for another project.  Regardless, below are few different EMF protective fabrics on the market today.

EMF Protection Fabric – What Materials Best Block EMF Radiation?

Are you a make it yourself type person?  Are you literate in sewing your own material into wonderful and thoughtful products?  Nowadays, with the convenience of cell phones, blue tooth and other various concoctions that allow us to stay in better touch with others and gives us a more up to date, hip persona often comes with undesirable side effects.  The one side effect I speak of here is EMF radiation.  And with EMF protection fabric, you can dive into your creative side and make yourself a fantastic looking and very helpful product.  So, let’s dig into a few ideas.  Read more…

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