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Below are some of the best and most affordable EMF protection products for cell phone use. Enjoy and be well.

The EMF Protection Cell Phone Sticker

The EMF protection cell phone sticker, does it work?  I have to admit when I went into my examination of the topic, I was convinced I was going to find my answer as clear as day.  Either they help reduce EMF radiation or they don’t.  I would then grab my soapbox, stand proudly on it and shout my answer for all to hear.  What I found, however, did not convince me one way or the other.  There seems to be two very different sides of the argument.  I am not a scientist.  I may be a bit gullible at times.  I want to believe.

There are a couple companies out there that produce EMF protection cell phone stickers that seem legit.  They offer products that have good reviews online, have patents for and people swear by them.  Of course, there are probably a few swindlers out there trying to make a buck as well.  So, when I went into the topic, I was looking at the product as a way to protect oneself from cell phone radiation.  Some manufacturers claim you can plop these stickers on other items as well, such as microwaves.  For my intent (cell phones), I do believe there are other options available that are more well established (EMF cell phone protective cases).   Read more…

The 6 Best EMF Radiation Blocking Cell Phone Cases

Are you worried about cell phones and the emf radiation they deliver?  Do you want to find one of the best cell phone cases that block EMF radiation on the market today?  You came to the right place.

Sure, there are still a few people walking around who haven’t heard about the numerous health concerns that have been associated with EMF radiation.  The mere fact that you’ve made it to this particular page, however, suggests that you are certainly not one of them.

And, yes, you do have the genuine right to remain alarmed.  Read more…

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