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Jewelry for EMF Protection

emf jewelry

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You may have heard a lot of buzz about EMF jewelry but do not understand how it works and why you may need it.  Let’s first define the problem.

What Is EMF Radiation?

In our modern world, we are exposed to several kinds of frequencies at any given moment, broadly termed as electromagnetic fields (EMF).  This includes the radiation from microwaves, WiFi, cellphones, power lines, smart meters and even the sun.  There are varying levels of EMF radiation depending on the source of the radiation, typically grouped into low-level radiation and high-level radiation.  Items that you encounter on a daily basis emit low-level radiation or non-ionizing radiation. Medical imaging machines, like x-rays, emit high-level or ionizing radiation.

Effects of EMF Radiation

According to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), some studies have shown a link between EMF exposure and cancer.  The IARC has classified EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic.”  In the most extensive study of cancer in cell phone users, researchers found a loose link to the highest-radiation users and glioma, a head and neck cancer.  A smaller study found that users exposed to the highest radiation had an increased risk of leukemia.

There are also smaller effects of EMF exposure.  Studies have suggested that EMF exposure may be linked to nervous system changes, including affected sleep and mood.

The World Health Organization reports that some individuals may also be disproportionately affected by EMF exposure.  This sensitivity is called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).  The WHO divides the symptoms of EHS into two types: dermatological symptoms and neurasthenic symptoms, also known as vegetative symptoms.  Dermatological symptoms include redness, tingling, and burning sensations.  Neurasthenic symptoms include fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances.

Options to Reduce EMF Exposure

If you are concerned about the possible effects of EMF radiation, you have a few options to protect yourself.  You could shield your electronics, but there are oftentimes downsides to this approach.  Cell phone bags or other shielding products only work when the technology is not in use.  This method also does not protect you from radiation out in the world, like the office microwave or the building WiFi.  Furthermore, some cell phone cases actually increase the EMF radiation by blocking the cell phone signal, making the cell phone work harder to connect to the network.  An improperly designed product shield will not only be inefficient but could be harmful.  For this reason, I particularly like the cell phone cases that DefenderShield offers.  DefenderShield runs thorough tests on the products they bring to market, essentially verifying the product works as it was designed to with no negative drawbacks.

To view DefenderShield cell phone cases, you can click here to be brought directly to DefenderShield’s website, specifically to browse the number of cell phone cases they offer that provides EMF protection.

Or, you can browse our affiliate store here.

EMF Jewelry

One stylish and practical way to protect yourself from EMF exposure is through EMF jewelry.  EMF jewelry can work in one of two ways: it can shield from EMF radiation, or it can neutralize the effects of EMF radiation.  You can pick which type of jewelry is best for you, depending on your needs. The most popular kind of EMF jewelry is a pendant or a necklace since it lies close to your heart.  However, there are also EMF bracelets, rings, and earrings available.

Jewelry that shields from EMF exposure can either scatter the protons from the radiation or slow the radiation through attenuation.  Jewelry that works through scattering is made of metals like aluminum and copper.  These materials work similarly to a Faraday cage.  Attenuation jewelry is made of materials like shungite or black tourmaline.  Attenuation is the slow loss of force as the radiation passes through a material.  This is much more common when it comes to jewelry, as shungite and black tourmaline make for attractive jewelry while also maintaining the health benefits.

Materials Used in EMF Jewelry


Shungite is a rare material found only in a specific region of Russia.  It contains a hollow carbon molecule called fullerenes, essentially a little carbon cage.  It is the most potent EMF blocker found in nature.  Shungite is also beneficial for providing mental clarity and feeling grounded.  A great book to read more about shugite and how it can be very beneficial is Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification by Regina Martino.  Link provided by

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerful crystal that produces both positive and negative ions.  It is often called the electricity stone.  It works by empowering the body’s electrical field to block the EMF radiation.  Black tourmaline is also useful for reducing stress and anxiety.


Organite is another substance used frequently in EMF blocking jewelry.  It is a combination of organic material, like resin, and inorganic material, like metals.  The combination of attractive and repulsive forces brought together by this mixture creates an energy that cleans the body of negative energy and protects from EMF radiation.  Organite is also known to improve sleep and immune systems, increase energy, and balance mood swings.


Hematite is a dense, iron-rich crystal found in South Africa, Brazil, Switzerland, and Quebec.  Hematite is also useful for blood circulation issues and assists with your body’s absorption of nutrients.


Amazonite is a turquoise-green crystal known as the Stone of Courage or the Stone of Truth.  It is named after the Amazon river in Brazil and was reportedly used by Amazonian warriors.  It is helpful to block stress and is used as a good luck charm.

Other Types of Crystals used for EMF Protection

Other crystals that have been used to block EMF radiation include Pyrite, Moonstone, Flint, Quartz, Eucryptite, Fluorite, Aventurine, and Fulgurite.  Check before placing Pyrite or other powerful crystals near your electronics as they may have the ability to harm your devices.

You could also use crystals to reduce the effects of the EMF radiation on the body.  Blue agate is a cooling and calming stone.  It is believed to improve concentration and enhance mental function, perception, and analytical abilities.  It is said to neutralize the effects of EMF exposure in the body, as opposed to shielding the body from the exposure.

Where to Purchase EMF Jewelry

Of course you can go to to purchase EMF Jewelry for yourself or as a gift to someone else.  I will include some quality product links to products currently available to purchase on shortly.  First, however, please check out a couple of the stores listed below.


I have linked to EMF Harmony before.  They are a solid company that offer products for EMF protection for the automobile, your home and office, your cell phone and, of course for our point here, they offer EMF jewelry as well.  EMF Harmony’s product line is based on proven European bio-energetic technology that supports good health in the presence of EMF radiation.  Below is a link to EMF Harmony’s website, where can view the various bracelets, wristbands and necklaces EMF Harmony has to offer.

EMF Harmony Jewelry

Life Energy Solutions

Life Energy Solutions offer products for EMF Protection as well as health and wellbeing.  Originally started by a couple in New Zealand, they are obviously a much smaller organization than,  however they do test each product they bring to market and have a long list of testimonials to back their product line.

Below is a link to Life Energy Solutions’ website, where you can view the various products available.  For our topic here, I would recommend going to the EMF jewelry portion of the website.  However, they offer products in zone protection as well as health and wellbeing (mentioned prior) that may well be worth browsing.  Below is a link to Life Energy Solutions.

Life Energy Solutions

EMF Jewelry Available on Amazon

Okay, I hope you decided to view the two sites mentioned above.  I am a sucker, I guess, for smaller businesses that offer solid product lines.  Anyway, as I mentioned above, below are a few products available on  Each product, at least in my eyes, are aesthetically pleasing and provide protection from harmful EMF radiation.

Karelian Heritage Elite Shungite Crystal Pendant


Karelian Heritage’s elite shungite crystal pendant is made of authentic type I shungite and offers an effective and attractive means for personal EMF protection.  The pendant is deep gray in color and irregularly shaped.  Because each pendant is unique and not mass manufactured, the picture displayed will not be an exact replica.  Still, Karelian Heritage will ship out the best item available at the time, so no need to fret.  Each pendant is mined from the Zazhoginsky Deposit in Karelia, Russia.
Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant

The Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant is a premier pendant for EMF protection.  Available in a variety of colors, the Q-Link pendant is worn by professional athletes as well as doctors.  The pendant comes with a 30 inch comfort cord and is said to increase mental focus and protect against harmful EMF radiation.  Those who are sensitive to EMF and/or frequently suffer from migraine headaches have noted a difference after wearing to Q-Link pendant.
Luxar’s Black Tourmaline EMF Protection Necklace

Luxar’s black tourmaline EMF protection necklace is a handmade orgone pendant set in black tourmaline.  We discussed black tourmaline a little above.  Black tourmaline is one of the most powerful minerals for absorbing EMF radiation.  The pendant is 2 inches in diameter and comes with an adjustable necklace.
Heka Naturals’ Shungite Jewelry Set for EMF Protection

Heka Naturals’ Shungite jewelry set includes a pair of earring Studs, another pair of little sphere Earrings, a circle pendant and a double circle pendant.  As mentioned above, Shungite is the most potent EMF blocker found in nature.  This stylish jewelry set is made of 100% authentic Shungite from Karelia, Russia.

In Summary

While there is radiation around us every day, there are ways to reduce your exposure to the possible adverse effects of EMF radiation.  One excellent way to do this is by using EMF jewelry to block the radiation and lessen its effects on the body.  Be well.

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EMF Protection Jewelry

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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