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The Best Fitness Trackers Without Bluetooth – The Connection Between Fitness Watches and EMF

Fitness Trackers Without Bluetooth

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Are you a fitness freak?  Do you participate in the good ole eat-gym-office-gym routine?  You must be interested in fitness gadgets then.  Fitness watches are programmed to keep track of the workouts, counting the steps, monitoring the eating habits, and even sleep patterns.  A gyroscope is a tool that is installed in the fitness watches to sense the movements to determine whether the person is running or walking.  Some fitness watches come with Bluetooth connectivity with smartphones as well.  And when we talk about Bluetooth, that is where EMF radiation comes in play.  Do you still want to use or gift a fitness tracker but without the need of Bluetooth?  Well here are some tips to help you find a great EMF radiation-free fitness tracker.  Bluetooth, please take a step aside.

And on another note, just to drive the point home, while Bluetooth connectivity may sound super hip and super convenient, it does come at a price. You see, anytime the Bluetooth on your watch is switched on, the device is emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).  And as you know, EMF can be fairly harmful. EMF can affect fertility. promote tumor growth, and can also lead to a number of other serious health issues.

Bluetooth and EMF

Although Bluetooth radiation exposure has never been researched extensively, the few studies that do exist, reveal that this is actually something to be taken seriously.  For example, one particular study found that insects suffered cell death following a mere six minutes of exposure.

The government does in fact regulate Bluetooth radiation, and most devices do emit much less than the specified satisfactory amount.  That is a good thing.  However, there are two problems with government standards on this matter.  One, is the the lack of research on Bluetooth.  Exactly how can anyone establish safe levels when it hasn’t really been examined yet?  The second concern is collective Bluetooth radiation coming from the pretty significant number of Bluetooth-enabled devices we surround ourselves with each and every single day.

Do All Fitness Trackers Use Bluetooth and Some Fitness Trackers Without Bluetooth

Nope, believe it or not, not every fitness tracker uses Bluetooth. While some do not use Bluetooth at all, others come with the option to disable it.  If you happen to be searching for a safer option, consider one of these.

Garmin Vivosmart HR – A Fitness Tracker to Disconnect from Bluetooth

The quite affordable activity tracker with the capacity to monitor your heart rate, the Garmin Vivosmart HR (link to is one of the few on the market that allows you to disconnect from Bluetooth.  Features include a step tracker, calorie tracker, an altimeter that can monitor how many floors you’ve climbed, and vibration alerts to remind you to stay active.

The Bluetooth is actually kind of easy to turn off on this device.  Simply engage the touch screen and press and hold to bring up the settings window. Scroll to Bluetooth settings, and select off. It’s worth noting that the Vivosmart does not have WiFi, which is great from an EMF standpoint.  It also means that you will need to briefly enable Bluetooth once every day or so in order to allow your watch to sync with the Garmin app.

Samsung Gear Fit Pro 2 – Another Fitness Tracker to Disconnect from Bluetooth

The Samsung Gear Fit Pro 2 (link to is a feature-rich watch. It is water resistant up to 50 meters and comes with a heart rate monitor, step tracker, GPS tracking, and a long-lasting battery.  Best of all, from an EMF standpoint, you can completely disable Bluetooth.

To do so, swipe left from the home screen over to the settings window.  Under settings, scroll to Bluetooth and uncheck to disable.  Just like the Garmin Vivosmart, you will need to enable Bluetooth (or WiFi) at least once a day to allow the Gear Fit Pro 2 to sync.

In Summary

Fitness watches assist users to get and stay in shape.  They also assist users to remain conscious of their activity level.  While, they are a great idea in theory, they do however come with an inherent risk due to EMF.  You can easily help minimize that risk by shopping for a watch that allows you to disable Bluetooth.  Eventually, as increased research is done on Bluetooth radiation, more and more watch manufacturers will acknowledge the desire to allow users to disconnect from Bluetooth.

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Bluetooth fitness trackers

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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