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How Can We Reduce EMF Exposure While Flying?

EMF Exposure While Flying

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How can we reduce EMF exposure while flying?

I used to fly a lot for work.  Thankfully, a few years back, I got off the road (or out of the clouds), found a job about 30 minutes away that keeps me local for the most part and can now spend more time with my children.  I genuinely appreciate the nice change of pace.

When I was travelling, I never really knew much about EMF exposure and the affects it can have.  Truthfully, it never even crossed my mind.  However, flying and EMF are like two pees in a pod when you think about it.  In this article we will discuss where we, as travelers, are exposed to the largest amounts of EMF radiation while flying and how we can best protect ourselves.

Airplanes, Airports, and EMF Radiation

So, are we, as travelers, exposed to EMF radiation while flying?  The answer is yes.  As I mentioned above the old saying of two pees in a pod comes to mind.  We are exposed to EMFs all throughout the travelling process – whether that be travelling to the airport in our cars, subways, or shuttles, walking through the security checkpoint, working or wasting some time on our cell phones or laptops, using WiFi, and even on the airplane itself.

I can not even count how many times I sat in an empty section of the terminal, partaking in a conference call for work – cell phone in my hand, typing away on my laptop as I spoke or listened.  There were a lot of those conference calls.

Where Are We Most Exposed to EMF Radiation While Flying?

I will forgo speaking about EMF radiation while travelling to/from the airport in this article.  Instead, I will try to focus on EMF exposure while we are in the airport or travelling on the airplane.  Below are a few bullet points of the places that we are subjected to the most EMF exposure while flying.

  • Security Full Body Scanner
  • Charging Stations
  • Cosmic Radiation (radiation from the sun and stars due to higher altitude and thin air)
  • Airport and Airplane WiFi
  • Other In-Flight EMF Sources including the cockpit and communications equipment, electrical wiring, the engine of the airplane, other passenger devices, the electrical wiring of the airplane, and the static electricity in the fuselage of the plane.

EMF Radiation and the Security Full Body Scanner

The Security checkpoint and, more specifically, the full body scanning technology, is the main concern for most of us when we are speaking about EMF radiation.  Of course, we are subjected to a security checkpoint to fly nowadays – and that is a good thing.  They are there to keep us safe, however, are there any alternatives available to the full body scan?  There actually is – opting out of the full body scan.

I personally have never opted out of a full body scan myself, however, it is not uncommon to do so.  After presenting your boarding pass and form of identification to the first TSA agent, simply notify the next agent that you would like to opt out of the full body scan.  Be polite and let them know the reason why if questioned.

The actual process will add some time needed to pass through the checkpoint, however, it may be worth it.  Another TSA agent (of the same gender) may need to service the request.  Plan on this delay taking around 5-10 additional minutes.

Your luggage will still need to be placed on the conveyer belt to be X rayed.  However, the agents will make sure you receive your luggage after the process.  If you are travelling with a companion, they could also take care of your belongings while the TSA agent pats you down.

You can opt to have your pat down take place in a private room or have it performed publicly.  Please try to remain extremely courteous to the agents, as they are helping you out after all.

EMF Radiation From Charging Stations

Another area of EMF exposure while flying is the charging stations that are scattered around the airport.  Try to avoid them altogether.  Try to make sure your cellphone is sufficiently charged before the process or bring a portable charger for personal use.  If it is necessary to charge your cellphone using a terminal charging station, go for it and walk at least 6 feet from your phone while it is charging (keeping an eye on your phone of course).

EMF Exposure While Flying – Cosmic Radiation

Cosmic radiation is generated from the sun and other stars and enters our atmosphere as invisible waves.  Cosmic radiation is more and more of a concern the higher the airplane travels.  Typically, a commercial aircraft will travel between 31,000 and 38,000 feet, which is approximately 5.9 to 7.2 miles high.  The higher the aircraft travels, the thinner the atmosphere surrounding the plane, the faster the flight due to less air resistance, and unfortunately, an increase in cosmic radiation exposure.

Airport and Airplane WiFi

We have discussed WiFi and EMF radiation many times before on this site.  WiFi in airports and airplanes are no different.  For many, in-flight WiFi is extremely convenient to get caught up with work or just waste some time while flying.

Keep in mind, however, that the WiFi within the airplane has no way to escape the confinement of the airplane.  This means that the WiFi onboard is magnified within the metal casing that surrounds us, causing us to be exposed to a higher level of EMFs.

One way to combat this is to inquire whether WiFi is available on your plane before purchasing your ticket – perhaps there is another flight without WiFi.  More and more flights, however, do have WiFi as an option.  Yes, WiFi-free flights are becoming a thing of the past.

Still, on your personal laptop or cellphone, you do have the option to disable WiFi or place it in airplane mode.  Even better than that, turn your device off – invest in a good book or magazine for the flight or try to take a nap.

How Can We Better Protect Ourselves From EMF Radiation While Flying?

There really is no way around it, when travelling via plane, we are surrounded by EMFs.  There are, however, a few products and even some general tips we can use and put into practice to minimize the amount of EMF radiation we are subjected to while flying.  We have already touched on a few – the full body scanner, the airport and onboard WiFi, charging stations.  Below are several more – 11 to be exact.

1 – Why the Rush to Get Onboard?

I too have been guilty of this.  Something about waiting at the gate makes me want rush, rush, rush to board the plane.  For some airlines, I understand, as they do not have assigned seating.  However, others do and if you are flying an airline that assigns your seat already, other than needing space for your carry-on bag, why the rush?  Like I said, I have been guilty of this as well.  I truly have no excuse.

However, sometimes the answer is right there in front of us, right?   If you want to minimize the amount EMF exposure while flying, spend less time in the actual airplane.  Many other passengers will be using their WiFi, catching up with their co-workers or family members, relaying the message that their flight is boarding.  There really is no rush to board the plane – less overhead space for your carry-on, perhaps – but try to refrain from rushing to get on board.

2 – Choose the Right Seat for You (the Window Seat for Me)

When travelling, I definitely do not need another reason to choose a window seat.  Less getting bumped into by passengers walking to the restrooms.  Less need to stand up and allow the other passengers in my row to exit to the bathroom.  One side free from another passenger.

For me, gazing out the window when taking off or landing, is enough incentive to selecting a window seat.  However, the window is also said to give us a small break from the airplane’s EMFs that are caged in our travelling vessel.

On the other hand, if on a tech-less, WiFi-free flight, the window seat might not be the best option, as the windows will be the entry point for the cosmic radiation mentioned above.

Also, note that the pilot’s cockpit is where the majority of the plane’s electronic instruments are located.  The back of the plane may be worth considering, as it is farther away.

3 – Utilize an EMF Protection Blanket

We have dived into EMF protection blankets in more detail previously.  Please find the article on the subject here – The EMF Radiation Protection Blanket – Time to Warm Up to the Idea. produces a quality blanket.  The exterior of DefenderShield’s blanket is made of 100% hypoallergenic and non-toxic organic bamboo and contains several layers of wireless radiation shielding fabric inside.  While a copper blanket might interfere with cellular reception, the DefenderShield blanket is not conductive and will not interfere with cellular reception when close by.  It is well made, comfortable, will last for years, and maybe well worth considering.

Read more about the product here on DefenderShields website.  Below is also a brief video on the product.

4 – Using Your Laptop to Catch up on Some Work? Consider Laptop Shields

For some, using your laptop on the flight to catch up on work, catch up on a favorite television show or watch a movie, is a great way to pass the time on a long journey.  When this is the case, a protective laptop shield may be worth considering.

DefenderShield laptop radiation shields block up to 99% of EMF radiation emitting from beneath your laptop by utilizing multiple layers of advanced shielding technology.  Here is a link to browse DefenderShield’s laptop shields.

EMF Laptop Shields – By:

5 – Do Not Use Bluetooth Headphones, Instead Use Air-Tube Headphones

For most travelers, whether travelling via airplane, train, car or any other form, headphones are a must.  On an airplane in particular, having a good set of headphones can both drown out the noise of an airplane as well as help pass the time with music, a movie or catching up on a favorite show.

While Bluetooth headphones and other style headphones will increase your EMF exposure, there are alternatives.  DefenderShield is a solid company and offers a popular version of EMF-free headphones.  DefenderShield’s air tube headphones help to reduce the EMFs emitted into your ears and brain.

Click here to check out the all the headphones currently available on DefenderShield’s website.  They offer air-tube headphones for both children and adults, in both earbud form and headset form.

DefenderShield Headphones

For EMFLulu’s related article on EMF radiation in Wireless Headphones, please click here.

6 – EMF Protection Jewelry

We have touched on EMF protection jewelry previously here.  To read more on the subject, click here for an article entitled Jewelry for EMF Protection.

EMF protective jewelry is a stylish and practical way to protect yourself from EMF exposure while on an airplane or not.

Two places to get your hands on some EMF Jewelry are and  Both are solid companies that offer quality products. also offers EMF jewelry.  Below are four products that are, at least in my eyes, aesthetically pleasing and provide protection from harmful EMF radiation.  Below links to

Karelian Heritage Elite Shungite Crystal Pendant


Karelian Heritage’s elite shungite crystal pendant is made of authentic type I shungite and offers an effective and attractive means for personal EMF protection.  The pendant is deep gray in color and irregularly shaped.  Because each pendant is unique and not mass manufactured, the picture displayed will not be an exact replica.  Still, Karelian Heritage will ship out the best item available at the time, so no need to fret.  Each pendant is mined from the Zazhoginsky Deposit in Karelia, Russia.
Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant

The Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant is a premier pendant for EMF protection.  Available in a variety of colors, the Q-Link pendant is worn by professional athletes as well as doctors.  The pendant comes with a 30 inch comfort cord and is said to increase mental focus and protect against harmful EMF radiation.  Those who are sensitive to EMF and/or frequently suffer from migraine headaches have noted a difference after wearing to Q-Link pendant.
Luxar’s Black Tourmaline EMF Protection Necklace

Luxar’s black tourmaline EMF protection necklace is a handmade orgone pendant set in black tourmaline.  We discussed black tourmaline a little above.  Black tourmaline is one of the most powerful minerals for absorbing EMF radiation.  The pendant is 2 inches in diameter and comes with an adjustable necklace.
Heka Naturals’ Shungite Jewelry Set for EMF Protection

Heka Naturals’ Shungite jewelry set includes a pair of earring Studs, another pair of little sphere Earrings, a circle pendant and a double circle pendant.  As mentioned above, Shungite is the most potent EMF blocker found in nature.  This stylish jewelry set is made of 100% authentic Shungite from Karelia, Russia.

7 – EMF Protection Clothing

EMF protection clothing is an alternative to the EMF protective blanket mentioned above.  DefenderShield offers a EMF protective clothing line in the form of hats, scarfs and gloves.  Here is a link to the various products that DefenderShield offers.

EMF Protection Clothing – By:

8 – Pregnant or Travelling With a Pregnant Loved One? Consider a Belly Band

Along the same lines as the EMF protective clothing mentioned above, is keeping your unborn child well protected from EMF exposure while flying.

We have touched on the subject of EMF belly bands before.  Our article on the subject, entitled In Search of EMF Pregnancy Protection? Consider the EMF Protection Belly Band, can be found here.

Radiation exposure during pregnancy has been linked to many conditions including:

  • A higher rate of miscarriage (3 times a higher rate)
  • A higher rate of asthma later on in the child’s development (again 3 times a higher rate)
  • An impact on the development of motor skills within your newborn

To limit your unborn child’s EMF exposure while flying, DefenderShield’s EMF protective belly band may be the best answer and is well worth considering.

The belly band is composed of an ultra-soft organic bamboo and cotton blend and offers protection to your unborn child from wireless RF radiation released by mobile devices and other sources.  The EMF protection belly band incorporates EMF shielding material and has been studied and proven to block 99% of RF signals.

The belly band weighs approximately a quarter of a pound, has an adjustable elastic waistband and is designed to comfortably keep your little one protected throughout the course of your pregnancy.  It is designed for anyone who wore between sizes 2 and 10 before becoming pregnant, and the belly band material stretches to accommodate your belly up to 44-inches around.  DefenderShield’s belly band is simple to put on and take off, is comfortable enough to wear throughout the day, and is said to be very soft to the touch.

For more information, please follow this link to DefenderShield’s EMF protective belly band.

9 – Consider Wearing Blue Light Blocking Glasses

If you wish to block blue light emitted from various devices and from artificial light on airplanes, blue light blocking glasses may be well worth looking into.  For a list of various DefenderShield blue light blocking glasses available today, please follow this link:

Blue Light Glasses – By:

10 – Consider Investing in a Cell Phone Case

When I was travelling a lot for business, I always kept my cell phone turned off and within my carryon that I stowed underneath the seat in front of me.  Another option would be carrying your cell phone within an EMF cell phone case.

DefenderShield’s cell phone cases are backed by independent lab testing and utilize multiple levels of EMF shielding, blocking 99% of EMF radiation.

Here is a link to DefenderShield’s EMF cell phone cases.

11 – Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

You most likely heard the phrase, “keep yourself hydrated and drink lots of water” numerous times for as far as you can remember.  TV Commercials.  Doctors.  Parents. Grandparents.  Hey, maybe they were onto something.

Regarding flying and EMFs, this is true as well.  Higher altitudes have far less moisture in the air.  The result of not staying hydrated while flying can result in dehydration and increased risk to EMF exposure.  Staying well hydrated will help your body remove unwanted toxins and increase your natural flow of energy.


In this article, we discussed situations that present the most risk of EMF exposure while flying, as well as numerous ways to keep oneself as protected as possible – whether that be opting out of the security scans, utilizing various safeguarding options, or staying clear of charging stations.  Hopefully, you were able to gain even a little more information than you had previously.  Next time you travel by plane, whether business or pleasure, have fun and be well.

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flying and emf

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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