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EMF Radiation Symptoms: What Are Some and What Can We Do?

EMF Radiation Symptoms

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So what are some common EMF radiation symptoms?  That is the question I ponder as I sit in my living room, wife browsing the internet on her cell phone, my cell phone sitting on the sofa a few feet away, laptop resting on my lap as I work, TV on, lights on, one of my children just microwaved a bag of popcorn, another child brags about how many steps he took today according to his Fitbit.  Is that the wires for the overhead light I hear a faint buzzing sound coming from or is it coming from the light fixture itself?  Is it the dimmer switch?  Regardless, some of the more common EMF radiation symptoms are listed below.

Symptoms of EMF Exposure

  • Headache
  • Disturbances of sleep, insomnia
  • Fatigue, a general feeling of tiredness, daytime sleepiness
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Difficult time concentrating
  • Feeling faint, dizziness, nausea
  • Rash, skin irritation, itchy sensation

What are some easier things we can do to help limit our EMF exposure?

So, in our homes, what are some of the more common areas of EMF exposure?  What devices?  What suspects do we have here?  Think about that first.  Maybe acquire an EMF Meter to pinpoint what areas need to be addressed before others.  Then think about how we can limit the exposure to these devices.  What can we do differently? Pop the popcorn on the stove top instead of using the microwave? Get the laptop off my lap and sit at an actual desk?  Know that you worked out today, took many steps, and stop wearing the Fitbit.  Anyway, here are some areas to look at.

Router Guards:

Nowadays, inside most homes and properties, exposure to WiFi is pretty much a given.  Is it convenient?  Yes.  But there is growing concern that WiFi radiation can cause EMF radiation symptoms, health issues and even severe conditions in some people.

So, how can we easily protect ourselves from the radiation caused by WiFi routers?  One way to lessen the degree that we are subjected to is to simply turn the router off at night.  Another is to purchase and utilize a router guard.  A router guard is simply a container made of metal mesh.  Place your router in the container, shut the cover, and that is it.  WiFi router guards have been tested and are able to reduce the amount of RF emission up to 99%.

Please check out some router guards here.

For more information on router guards and options, please check out our article on the matter here.

Cell phones:

Obviously, the cell phone is another significant source of EMF radiation. To combat the amount of radiation when the cell phone is not in use, turn it off overnight.  To combat the amount of radiation when you feel the cell phone needs to be left on – and you are at home – try placing it some distance away.  Another option is to look for a radiation reducing cell phone case.

Some more information on cell phone cases can be found here.

And to browse some great cell phone case options, search here.

Meter Guard:

Some time ago, whenever a meter reader needed to read the household’s energy consumption, he or she would need to physically proceed to the meter and capture the measurement.  Nowadays, that process is being swapped out due to the smart meter.  The smart meter communicates your household’s energy consumption wirelessly to the meter reader as he or she drives by.  The smart reader increases the radiation level of your home.  So, how does one decrease the amount of radiation emitted from the meter?  One answer is a smart meter cover. These covers simply fit over the installed meter and assist in blocking a significant degree of the radiation.

For more information regarding radiation concerns from the smart meter and options to protect yourself, read here.

For more info and some meter guards that are highly rated, please search here.


Our overall exposure to EMF radiation has obviously increased substantially in past years/decades as a result of our lifestyle changes, electrical use and the adaptation of wireless technologies. While I am personally not going to move off the grid entirely just yet, there are some smaller issues I can address immediately and others I can address over time.  That buzzing noise coming from the light fixture, yes, I am definitely going to address that right away. Hopefully, a new light bulb can work better with the dimmer switch.

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Symptoms of emf exposure

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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