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EMF Radiation in Wireless Headphones – What You Should Know

EMF radiation in wireless headphones

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On the topic of EMF Radiation, let us take a closer look into wireless headphones.  Like the lineup scene from the movie The Usual Suspects, we have our FitBit fitness tracker, our cellphone, our laptop, our smart meter, our WiFi router, the list goes on and on, should our wireless headphones be in this lineup as well?  Should we be concerned with EMF radiation in our wireless headphones?  Let’s dig in.

Recently, the state I reside in passed a law that you no longer can drive in your car while holding your cell phone to your ear when driving.  When the law passed, seems like all my friends and coworkers immediately went on or journeyed to their local store to purchase earbuds.  After all, driving home from work, you may need to join that last conference call of the day or get word from your wife, husband or oldest child that we are out of milk.  And, with our brand new, shiny earbuds jammed into our ear canal, we are all set.

Wireless Headphones and Bluetooth

Well, the first concern is that, whether we are speaking of earbuds or Apple AirPods, all wireless headphones utilize Bluetooth technology.  As you know, Bluetooth is a concern in regards to EMF/RF radiation.  Basically, Bluetooth is wireless technology that allows quick transmissions of the data needed for a device to work to its full capabilities.  It is a type of microwave radiation.  Sound a little scary?

Secondly, another large concern regarding EMF radiation is the use of our cell phones.  Yes, our cell phones do emit EMF radiation.  Whether we use our cell phone by holding it up to our ear or have it on speaker phone, we are all subjected to some level of EMF radiation.  But I’m thinking that not many of us jam our cellphones in our ear to have a conversation.  Doesn’t fit.  However, with our wireless headphones, that is exactly what we do.  We place them directly in our ear canal and fairly close to our brain.  What’s next?  Bluetooth technology in our Q-tips?  Maybe we can have music playing as we clean our ears.

Doctors and their opinions of EMF Radiation and Wireless Headphones

So, what are some opinions of doctors on the subject?  Well, in 2015, a number of providers and scientists (250 actually) signed a petition to communicate their belief that EMF emitted by the use of wireless devices pose a range of health concerns, including memory issues, cancer, reproductive problems, and genetic disorders.  While most scientists agree that Wireless headphones emit far less EMF radiation than our cellphones (less than 10%), results of scientific studies and ongoing research into the subject and its play on our health, remain mixed.  To read more on how doctors perceive the issue, please read The Times Standard’s article here (Ask the Doctor: Are wireless earbuds safe?).

The Possible Health Concerns of EMF Radiation of Wireless Headphones

A few of the concerns regarding our overall health and the use of wireless headphones (and EMF radiation exposure) were listed above.  Here they are again, as well as other concerns:

  • Memory issues.
  • Cancer concerns.
  • Problems with our reproduction system. Fertility issues.
  • Genetic disorders.
  • Headaches and depression.
  • Tinnitus (perception of noise or ringing in the ears).
  • Fatigue.

Wireless Headphone Alternatives

Are there any alternatives to wireless headphones?  Simple answer, yes, of course. Traditional wired headphones are an obvious answer.  I never heard of a wireless avocado (avocados are supposed to be good for hearing health due to magnesium, fyi).  Why haven’t I heard of it?  Probably because we don’t have a wired avocado.  Anyway, yes, traditional wired headphones are one of the safer alternatives.

Another alternative is something referred to as EMF radiation-free air tube headphones.  These are Bluetooth free, have a small speaker away from the head and converts the electrical signal to an acoustic one before the signal reaches your ear.  DefenderShield is a solid company and currently offers a popular version.  Click here to check out the  EMF-Free Earbud Headphones – By DefenderShield.  Or please visit our affiliate store here.

EMF-Free Earbud Headphones – By DefenderShield

In Conclusion

If you choose to start utilizing EMF-free headphones or go back to the old school wired headphones, good for you.  If not, I would recommend trying to understanding exactly how much you are using your wireless earbuds, how long you have them in your ears, and only use them when needed.  Driving in the car, is it a quick drive home from work or do you have a long commute?  Because wireless headphones and Bluetooth are still relatively new, scientists, doctors and others are still studying their long term impact on us.  Maybe taking a more cautious side will be worth it for all of us in the meantime.

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low emf headphones

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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