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EMF Radiation Detox Tips: Ways to Reduce Exposure

EMF Radiation Detox

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In today’s world, more and more people unfortunately can’t avoid exposure to EMF radiation.  Cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, microwaves, computers, laptops, power lines, cell towers, the list goes on and on.  So, in today’s high-tech, modern world, how can we take a break from these gadgets?  How can we detox from EMF radiation?  Here are some suggestions.

Cell Phone Detox Tips

The cell phone is an obvious and very significant source of EMF radiation.  We use the cell phone for work?  We communicate with our families and friends with our cell phones.  We text.  We play with our apps.  We are online, browsing over our favorite websites with our cellphones.  When not using our cell phones, many of us put them in our pocket for safe keeping.  Here are some possible ways to help reduce exposure to EMF radiation by means of our beloved cellphones.

  • Overnight, when in bed and the cell phone is not in use, try turning it off.  Use a good old fashion analog alarm clock instead of you cell phone’s alarm to wake up in morning.
  • When at home and you feel the cell phone needs to be left on, place it at a good distance away from you.
  • Consider purchasing a EMF radiation blocking cell phone case.  Read our article on EMF blocking cell phone cases here.  Or browse our recommended products here.
  • Instead of holding your cell phone directly to your ear, try using your cell phones speaker phone function or use earbuds.
  • Try not to carry you cell phone in your pocket.
  • Whenever possible switch your cell phone to airplane mode.
  • Keep an eye on your signal bars. The fewer bars you have the harder your cell phone is trying to connect to a cell tower.  In this scenario the amount of radiation you are exposed to may significantly rise.
  • Why so many apps on your phone? Get rid of the ones you don’t need.  Some of those unused apps are still trying to reach out to the internet for updates, to keep track of your location, etc…
  • When downloading a file on your cell phone, put it down and walk away. Some suggest that more EMF radiation is emitted when your cell phone is trying to download a file.
  • When travelling, your cell phone emits a larger amount of radiation because it is trying to connect to this cell tower and that cell tower – basically the nearest one. Place you cell phone away from you when in the car.

WiFi Detox Tips

Nowadays, inside most homes and properties, exposure to WiFi is pretty much a given.  Is it convenient?  Yes.  But there is growing concern that WiFi radiation can cause health issues and even severe conditions in some people.

So, how can we easily protect ourselves from the radiation caused by WiFi routers?  Here are a few WiFi detox tips that may help.

  • Turn off the WiFi router in your home when not in use.  At bedtime, why do you need your router turned on, try turning it off
  • Try using a router guard or try making one yourself. WiFi router guards have been tested and are able to reduce the amount of EMF emission up to 99%.  Browse our recommended WiFi router guards here.


When using a microwave, there really isn’t a need to stand close by.  Staring into the microwave window as your meal heats up, does not cook or reheat your food faster. Try walking away and partaking in another activity when heating your food.  Does your dishwasher need to be unloaded?

Laptop Computers

  • Did you know positioning your laptop computer directly on your lap boosts EMF exposure to your groin area and may affect male fertility? Try to break this habit.  Instead place your laptop device on a table or desk.
  • Consider placing your laptop on Airplane mode, this way WiFi and Bluetooth are disabled.
  • Consider purchasing a radiation protection pad for your laptop.

EMF Radiation Detox Products

There are a few decent products available in stores and online for EMF radiation detoxification.  One way to detox is to use essential oils.  Peppermint has been known to improve mental wellness, alertness and improve one’s energy level.  Frankincense has been noted to backup the immune system.  To prevent DNA damage, one might want to try essential oils such as lemongrass or rosemary.

Take some time to detox in an immersion bath.  Some tout taking a detox bath with montmorillonite clay.  While others avoid clay and use mineral salts instead.

Liddell Laboratories makes a homeopathic detox solution for EMF radiation.  It claims to detox the body and temporarily relieves symptoms of EMF radiation.  The solution’s cost is is fairly affordable.

In Conclusion

There are a few solutions out there that have been touted to help us detox from EMF radiation.  There are also various suggestions to help reduce the amount of EMF radiation we are exposed to daily.  Find a solution or two you feel you can implement right away.  Then maybe next week, implement another.  Be proud and here is to progress!

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EMF Detox

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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