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EMF Radiation and the Use of Protective Gloves

EMF Radiation Gloves

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The EMF radiation glove – how can I explain what this is?  Well, when your chicken and broccoli casserole is done cooking in the oven and ready to be taken out, do you just open up the oven door and, with your bare hands, grab the casserole from the oven?  Hey kids, dinner is ready, just need to get myself to the emergency room to get these burns and blisters taken care of.  Go ahead and start dinner without me.  Be back in a bit.

Of course not, right?  You grab an oven mitt or potholder from the oven mitt drawer and grab the casserole like a normal human being.  Well, that example may be a little exaggerated regarding our purpose here but, along the same terms, a similar product has been developed to help us with EMF protection.  It is called the EMF radiation glove.

The EMF Radiation Glove: What is the Issue this Product is Attempting to Resolve?

Well, in some individuals, EMF radiation can make some of the day to day things we all take for granted more difficult.  Whether typing on a computer keyboard, using a laptop, a cell phone, or many other electronic devices, some more sensitive individuals can feel the negative impacts and symptoms more so than their peers.  There is actually a term for this and that term is called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, or EHS for short.  Those individuals with EHS oftentimes find themselves having a more difficult time than most in the workplace and at home due to the exposure of EMF radiation from laptops, keyboards, and other electronic devices.

EMF radiation gloves are designed to help resolve this situation and allow individuals who suffer from EHS function more freely when performing the day to day activities most of us take for granted.  No more tingling.  No more pain from EMF radiation exposure.

How are They Made?  What is the Tech Behind the EMF Radiation Protection Glove?

Wearing EMF radiation gloves, the individual can establish a barrier between their hands and the electronic device.  Most EMF radiation gloves are made of polyester material meshed with copper, silver, or aluminum fibers.  The EMF shielding components utilized in these gloves create a conductive enclosure in an attempt to effectively block radio waves and electric fields.  The gloves are lightweight, and the fabric feels soft, allowing individuals to function normally when worn.

Some EMF Radiation Gloves on the Market Today

EMF Radiation Protection Gloves

By DefenderShield

This product is fairly new to the well established and trusted DefenderShield product line.  This one-size-fits-all, stretchable glove offers 99% protection against wireless EMF and 5G (300Hz-10GHz).  These gloves are designed to be worn when using cell phones, laptops, tablets, any touch-screen wireless device, and wireless keyboards.  They are designed to reduce Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity symptoms including tingling sensations and burning of the hands.

The DefenderShield EMF radiation glove is compatible with touchscreen technology in order to ensure full functionality with your device.  It will, however, not be functional with fingerprint scanner technology or any touch identification technology.

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RF Shielded Gloves

By Faraday Gloves

Like an iGlove, these can wear these gloves easily while working on touch screens.  These Faraday gloves shield RF radiation from cell phones, WiFi, laptops and computers, smart meters and more.

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EMF Blocking Protection Gloves


These gloves, similar to the Faraday gloves above, protect against us from electromagnetic radiation.

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Can I make EMF Radiation Gloves Myself?

Want to save some money?  Need a more personalized fit?  Perhaps a homemade approach may fit your style a bit better.  If so, you can you make EMF radiation gloves yourself.  Sure.  You will need EMF blocking fabric for your raw materials, a method to cut and size your raw materials (scissors) and a sewing machine.  You may also need a sewing pattern.  I will list a few YouTube videos below to help design and create your own gloves.  Also, here are a few links to the raw materials involved (the EMF blocking fabric).

Below links are to

TitanRF Faraday Fabric

Copper EMF Blocking Fabric

Faraday EMI FRID Shielding Fabric

Videos to Help Sew Your Own EMF Radiation Gloves

Here are a couple videos to help you make you sew these gloves.  Obviously, you’ll be using the material listed above and not leather or a cotton material.

Video 1:

Video 2:

In Conclusion

Like the oven mitt to the home cook, EMF radiation gloves can assist some more sensitive individuals function without the pain or tingling from EMF radiation exposure.  Some people, wishing to add protection and reduce exposure to EMF radiation, can also benefit from wearing such gloves.  These gloves are not incredibly expensive and can help.

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EMF Gloves

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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