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EMF Radiation and Sleep

emf radiation and sleep

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Can EMF radiation really affect how well we sleep?  Just something I thought about last night, wide awake, my head on the pillow, eyes closed, counting sheep, the soft and fluffy kind.  And if so, if EMF radiation does affect how well we sleep, how and what if anything can we do about it.  I needed answers, out came the cell phone, I need to google this, I thought. But first, let’s check out various social media sites out there, oh, I see Johnny can’t sleep either and Joan just posted something as well…

So, what is the answer?  Can EMF radiation affect our sleep?  Well, it does seem like EMF radiation can reduce the amount of melatonin we produce.  Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain and helps keep control of our sleep-wake cycles.  Typically, our melatonin levels increase in the evening when the sun sets and decreases in the morning when the sun rises.  The pineal gland, however, may interpret EMF radiation as a source of light and may then limit our melatonin production, causing us to think about why we can’t sleep in the first place.

How Can We Combat EMF Radiation When Trying to Sleep?

Ok, so it seems like EMF radiation can affect the amount of melatonin we produce and thus how much sleep we get.  So, now what?  Well, obviously, it seems we should try to reduce the amount of EMF radiation we are exposed to in the bedroom.

Put the Cell Phone Down

First off, I guess I should I put the cell phone down and catch up with Johnny and Joan tomorrow.  I’m sure they will be just fine.  And yes, our cell phones do produce a pretty good amount of EMF radiation.  While at it, I should probably put it in airplane mode and place it on the other side of the room.  Maybe tomorrow, I will get an actual alarm clock.  This way I won’t need to use the one on my cell phone and I can turn my phone completely off.

Turn Off WiFi

Ok, so now that my cell phone is turned off, there really is no real reason I need my home’s WiFi turned on at night.  So, why not go ahead and turn it off? After all, WiFi routers do engulf our homes with EMF radiation.  I have another article that talks about combating the exposure to EMF that our home routers emit.  You can check that article out here.   Making a small investment in a router guard may be something to look at.  Please check out the recommended router guards here.

Power Outlets

And what about power outlets?  After all, I do have a lamp on each side of my bed, sitting atop a nightstand each.  I’m pretty sure these lamps are not solar powered lights, which means they are probably plugged into an outlet or two somewhere.  Maybe tomorrow morning I’ll look around and see where I can position my bed away from power outlets.

In Conclusion

EMF radiation does seem to play an impact on how well we sleep at night.  Above are a few small things we can do to get a better night’s sleep.  Maybe invest in an EMF detector, check your bedroom out, and see what exactly you are up against.  Commit to making the improvements needed and perhaps you’ll grab a good night’s sleep and a have great dream or two.

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EMF Protection Sleeping

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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