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Possible Ways to Naturally Reduce Exposure to EMFs


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What are some ways we can gain EMF protection naturally?

An EMF (or electromagnetic field) is a form of radiation emitted by electrical devices that transmit a signal.  They can be harmful and have been known to contribute to various health issues.  They are also essentially everywhere nowadays – cell phones, cell towers, microwaves, laptops, routers, WiFi, the list goes on and on.  I do feel that although most of us can not eliminate all EMFs from our day to day lives, with a little effort, we can all reduce our exposure to EMFs.

Maybe one day, a smarter person than myself will develop an EMF repellent spray.  Think of a bug spray but one that actually works.  Shake the can a few times, apply, shine, smell like a chemical version of an orange or lemon garden, and walk down the street with your cell phone to your ear talking about this great new EMF spray you bought from Amazon.  Go ahead, nuke your left over chicken fried rice and stare at your food when it heats up in the microwave.  I’m talking apply your EMF repellent and stand approximately 3 inches away from the microwave to see the reheating process close up.

Ah, I can dream a little, can’t I?  Anyway, what are some of the ways we can gain EMF protection naturally?  Are there any methods we can apply in order to reduce our daily EMF exposure?  Ways that do not cost an absorbent amount of money.  Habits we can all put to practice in order to reduce our EMF exposure.

What Is EMF Radiation?

EMFs (or electromagnetic fields) are actually areas of energy not able to be seen by the naked eye.  This form of radiation can be emitted by electric devices that transmit a signal.  A number of this is actually ionizing, such as X-rays. However, a good deal of EMF radiation is non-ionizing, like the type that is transmitted by your mobile phone, your Fitbit fitness tracker, WiFi router or your laptop.  While government agencies as well as federal guidelines suggest that small amounts of exposure to non-ionizing radiation are actually not recognized to cause cancer or serious health concerns, independent research indicates that this may not be entirely accurate.

Why Should We Be Concerned with EMF Radiation?

Why should we be concerned with EMF radiation?  The main point here is that EMF exposure is widely known to result in neurological and physiological issues by causing disruption to nerve function.

From headaches to fatigue to sleeping issues, from fertility issues to depression, EMF can affect us in a variety of ways.  Below are just a few:

  • Memory issues
  • Cancer concerns
  • Problems with our reproduction system. Fertility issues
  • Genetic disorders
  • Headaches and depression
  • Tinnitus (perception of noise or ringing in the ears)
  • Fatigue, a general feeling of tiredness, daytime sleepiness
  • Disturbances of sleep, insomnia
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Difficult time concentrating
  • Feeling faint, dizziness, nausea
  • Rash, skin irritation, itchy sensation

 So What Devices Give off EMFs?

So, what are some of the more commonly identified sources of EMF radiation?  Well, we have already identified a few above.  And please remember, until they develop that EMF repellent spray we talked about earlier (and tested it as well), please do not put your nose an inch away from the microwave when you reheat your food.  You can smell the aroma just fine from a little farther out.  I know this because I used to work with a person who seemed to enjoy using the microwave to reheat his fish dinner from the evening before.  He was a popular co-worker.  Anyway, here is a quick list of a few devices that can give off various amounts of EMF radiation.

  • WiFi Routers and Devices
  • Laptops and/or Tablets
  • Cell Phones
  • Cordless Phones
  • Printers, Computer Screens, Copiers, Fax Machines and Other Electronics
  • Electrical Wiring
  • Lighting fixtures (primarily fluorescent)
  • Microwave Ovens (primarily the kind that give off a seafood aroma – I am just kidding – but yes, microwave ovens)
  • Household Electrical Appliances
  • Cell Towers
  • Products with Bluetooth Technology
  • Your Television
  • Power Lines
  • Smart Meters (Digital Electric and Gas Meters)

Ways We Can Gain EMF Protection Naturally?

So what exactly do I mean by gaining EMF protection naturally?  It is more of ways (or habits we can pick up and implement) that help us reduce our EMF exposure.  Sure, we can purchase great EMF shielding cell phone cases and other means of EMF protection from companies like DefenderShield.  By naturally, however, I wanted to stress methods we can all implement for free.  So keep your wallet in your purse or pocket for a little bit longer and try to digest these possible ways to reduce our EMF exposure.

Refrain From Physical Contact With Your Cellular Phone and Laptop Computer

Yes, there are many good products to help us from EMF Exposure via the cell phone, tablet or laptop.  There are cell phone and tablet cases.  There are EMF radiation-free air tube headphones that will also help us here.  All of these products can be found on  For our purpose here though, keeping your distance from these devices when we are utilizing them is a solid idea and one that we should really be practicing.

Avoid stashing your cell phone in the pocket of your pants when carrying it around.  Place the conversation on speaker mode when possible.  Dig through the corners of your basement or garage and find an old fashion alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.  Refrain from using you cell phone’s built in alarm.  When sleeping place the cell phone someplace farther away from you.

Laptop-wise, place the laptop on a desk when working on it.  Refrain from having it actually rest on your lap.

Turn Off Your WiFi Router At Night

WiFi has made our life much more convenient and neatly organized without various wires coming from here, clumsily wrapping around other wires and going to there.  However, with WiFi routers also come with EMF radiation concerns.  Do we really need to be connected constantly – when we sleep as an example?  If we choose to turn off WiFi at night, before we fall asleep, that can give us approximately 8 hours of WiFi freedom.

Avoid Using the Microwave to Cook/Reheat Your Food

I am by no means a world renowned chef.  I have never even attempted to cook a beef wellington and even making a simple omelet can stress me out.  I do know, however, that food seems to taste and present much better when cooked in the oven, on the grill or stovetop.  Aside from the taste and less mushy texture, cooking or reheating food in a more traditional manner than stuffing it in the microwave oven and pressing a bunch of buttons exposes us to far less EMF radiation.

Obviously, not using the microwave oven at all is the best way to minimize the EMF exposure from it.  If, however, you are in a pinch for time and feel the need heat up your canned soup in the microwave, here are a couple of ways to minimize your exposure to EMF.

  1. Do not stare directly into the microwave’s window as your food is cooking. Be patient.  The microwave oven will not use the glare from your spying eye to cook the food any quicker.
  2. Along the same lines, try to remain a good distance away from the microwave oven as the food is being prepared (five feet or more is recommended).
  3. Plan ahead best you can. Instead of utilizing the microwave oven for defrosting food prior to cooking, plan ahead and defrost the food in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter.  Use a bowl of room temperature water to help with the process.
  4. Be careful not to overcook your microwaved meal.

Rearrange Your Bedroom so That You Can Rest and Sleep a Good Distance Away From Circuit Breakers or Any Larger Appliances That Tend to Run Overnight

Ok, so you are now turning your cell phone and WiFi router off at night.  You dusted off an old fashioned alarm clock that you found in basement storage next to a box of 90s music CDs and a library book you apparently had forgotten you borrowed.  There are other ways to reduce your EMF exposure to EMFs while you sleep.

For one try placing your bed away from power outlets.  If your bed shares the same wall with a circuit breaker or any large appliance that tends to run overnight, try to change your bed’s location away from such.

Whenever/Wherever Possible Refrain From Installing a Smart Meter for Your Home

I have written about this previously.  You can find the article here.  Smart meters convey data records wirelessly. They permit energy companies to keep track of your consumption, install necessary software, and even entirely turn off your electrical power without ever needing to go physically to your residence to do so.  Sorry to say, the trade-off here (for this convenience) is actually the emission of RF signals.  If possible, avoid smart meters.

Although it may cost a fee, try calling your power company and see if they can replace the smart meter with an old fashioned analog meter.  Many feel the side effects of smart meters.  Side effects that include fatigue, lightheadedness and nausea, anxiety, ringing of the ears and poor sleep.

In Conclusion

Small steps will still get you there.  It is fantastic that we live in a time where we no longer need to carry dimes with us to make a phone call while on the road.  I do not even remember where or when I last saw a public pay phone on the side of a street.  It is equally as fantastic that we can stay up to date with our surroundings and our friends and family without the need of newspapers or writing letters to send in the mail.  Thanks to various technological advances, we can live a more convenient and up to date lifestyle.  There are, however, some disadvantages regarding some of these technologies.  I believe an important key here is to try to understand when we really need to use them, when we really want to use them and when we do not even realize they are still in use.

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Naturally Reduce EMF

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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