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EMF Protection Glasses

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Nowadays, we are surrounded by screens.  Cell phone screens.  Computer screens. Laptop and tablet screens.   Television screens.  I personally spend 8 or 9 hours a day working on my laptop for my job, taking random conference calls on my cell phone, then after work and dinner each night, I usually spend a few more hours researching and trying to write a decent article on EMF radiation.  When I think about it, yes, it is sort of crazy.  I am completely nuts.  Maybe someday I can finally retire and find some cool log cabin somewhere in the woods, near a lake.  I like that idea.  But most likely I will still be glued to some sort of screen in my quiet log cabin, probably a television screen, watching random documentaries on Netflix or something.  EMF protection glasses can help.

Anyway, in my current life (not the log cabin dream life I like to daydream about), I am essentially surrounded by screens and am therefore exposed to something called blue light.  EMF Protection glasses are designed to combat this constant exposure to blue light.

What is Blue Light?

Oh my gosh, not blue light.  I am sure that is what you are thinking, right?  Or maybe you’re thinking what a silly introduction, get on to it already, what the heck is blue light?  Well, either way, I’m going to try to describe it.

Blue light is artificial light that impacts our ability to obtain a restful night’s sleep and also has been known to worsen our eye sight over a period of time.  You see back in the day, our early ancestors had the sun for use of light.  Then some smart individual figured out how to light a fire.  Then we progressed to burning candles.  Then oil lamps cropped up.  Followed by electricity and light bulbs.  Currently, we surround ourselves with artificial light, light from our wonderful gadgets.

Now blue light, just because it has the word “blue” in it, does not always appear blue in color.  It actually pertains to the wavelengths of light that range between 400 and 495 mm and corresponds to the color blue on the visible light spectrum.  As an example, the light projecting from the screen right now, as you read this article, may appear white or off-white in color, however, the light that is hitting your eyes is actually considered to have blue wavelengths.

Different Ways to Protect Ourselves From Blue Light

As mentioned previously, the obvious way to protect ourselves from blue light is to just turn off our screens – personal computers, laptop computers, tablets, cell phones, television.  Yes, that will work.  Get back to me on that to see how it is working for you.  Most people, including myself, simply can’t (or won’t) do this just yet.  Here are some alternatives.

  1. Try to reduce the number of screens you stare at during the day. I mentioned above turning off the screens in your life.  If you are like me and simply can not or will not, try reducing the amount of time spent staring into screens.
  2. Utilize filters devised to reduce blue light. Nowadays, many of our devices contain a means to sift out blue light.  On your iPhone or iPad there is actually a display and brightness setting that allows you to use a night shift setting.  On many Android phones and tablets a similar display setting is featured and can be toggled on.  There are also apps available to help filter out blue light.  On a Windows 10 device, a similar setting can be applied.
  3. Utilize EMF protection glasses (or blue light protection glasses) Companies like DefenderShield currently sell blue light glasses.  These glasses contain filters within their lenses that help block blue light.  You can wear the glasses while watching television or typing on your laptop or browsing the web.  These glasses help reduce exposure to the blue light waves.

DefenderShield Blue Light Glasses

The lenses on the DefenderShield blue light glasses have an anti-glare finish and there are a few color options available.  The lenses are also fairly lightweight and shatterproof.  Best of all they are affordable.  Here is a link to get to there from here.

DefenderShield Blue Light Blocking Glasses

In Conclusion

Someday, perhaps I will be able to save enough money, have my kids grow up, leave my occupation and all the screen time required behind, and retire to my dream log cabin in the woods.  I’ll break out the fishing gear and try to catch some dinner.  Maybe I’ll play a card game like solitaire by candle light and not go crazy at all.  Ahhh, I can dream can I not?

Anyway, I hope you plucked some decent information from this article.  EMF protection (blue light) glasses are well worth looking further into.  Or perhaps fiddle around with the settings on your devices to try to reduce blue light.

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EMF Glasses

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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