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EMF Protection for Infants – Protect the Future

EMF Protection for Babies

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What are some of the ways we can help protect our children, our babies from EMF radiation?  And no, although referred to as a big baby or cry baby numerous times in jest by loved ones, I am not referring to myself when offering suggestions on how to gain EMF protection for babies.  I am actually referring to those much smaller (especially around the belly), those more precious and fragile, those just waiting to grow up a bit more in order to conquer the world.  They are the future.  So, how can we best protect them?

I have written an article prior regarding various ways to protect our unborn child from EMFs.  You can read that one here.  This article is for the months and years that follow.

What are EMFs

So what are EMFs?  I know I have mentioned this many times throughout this website.  However, in case you are new this site (and welcome aboard), EMFs are unseen segments of energy, commonly referred to as radiation.  EMFs are emitted by electric devices that transmit a signal.  A number of this is actually ionizing, such as X-rays. However, a good deal of EMF radiation is non-ionizing, like the type that is transmitted by your mobile phone or laptop.  While government agencies as well as federal guidelines suggest that small amounts of exposure to non-ionizing radiation is actually not recognized to cause cancer or serious health concerns, independent research indicates that this may not be entirely accurate.

Why Should We Be Concerned?

Why should we be concerned with EMF radiation?  The main point here is that EMF exposure is widely known to result in neurological and physiological issues by causing disruption to nerve function.

From headaches to fatigue to sleeping issues, from fertility issues to depression, EMF can affect us in a variety of ways.  Below are just a few:

  • Memory issues
  • Cancer concerns
  • Problems with our reproduction system. Fertility issues
  • Genetic disorders
  • Headaches and depression
  • Tinnitus (perception of noise or ringing in the ears)
  • Fatigue, a general feeling of tiredness, daytime sleepiness
  • Disturbances of sleep, insomnia
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Difficult time concentrating
  • Feeling faint, dizziness, nausea
  • Rash, skin irritation, itchy sensation

Why Should We Be Concerned for Our Infants (Our Next Generation)?

It is said that the younger a person is the more vulnerable that person is to harmful effects of EMF radiation.  It is true that most of us will be placed in a greater quantity of situations where we are exposed to harmful EMF radiation as we grow older and into adulthood.  I have personally never been on a cell phone conference call while typing vigorously on my laptop, fluorescent light buzzing above me, hang up and do it all again, until I got a bit older.   And certainly not as an infant.  When I was a baby, I am sure I was more concerned with the purple cartoonlike stuffed animal mobiles floating overhead while I relaxed in my crib.  I am sure that soon these will probably have Bluetooth capabilities and play nursery rhymes as our child’s eyes light up and as they become even more enthralled.  Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if this invention already exists, or maybe they are on the quality control phase of a product launch, stuffed animal mobiles that play soundscapes or a smooth jazz playlist.

So, why are infants more susceptible to the lingering effects of EMF radiation?

  1. Their skulls are thinner and their brain tissues are more absorbent. After all the skull does help to protect the brain and hence will provide a shield to some degree against EMF radiation.  The thinner the skull, the less amount of protection.
  2. Infants are growing quickly and are being subjected to greater rates of mitosis. Cellular mitosis basically refers to the process where cells duplicate, where cells divide and multiply.  So any damaged cell of a child will replicate more rapidly.
  3. Infants will have more years of EMF exposure than current adults. They are obviously younger and will have more years to absorb EMF radiation.

EMF Protection for Babies

What are the ways we can protect our next generation.  Below are some options to ponder and perhaps implement.

EMF Protection for Babies – Turn Your WiFi Router off at Night

In the evening, while you and your baby are asleep, why not turn your WiFi router off?  After all, you more than likely will not need to have quick access to the internet at this time.  If you do need it on, try using a WiFi router guardI have written a previous article on WiFi router guards.  Please see that article here.  You will have a few options as well.  One option is the WiFi router guard cage.  Another option comes in the form of a shielding pouch or bag.  To view some WiFi router guards and pouches, please follow link here to EMFLuLu’s recommended products page.

EMF Protection for Babies – Keep EMF Emitting Gadgets Away from Baby

I know many love to take photos of baby.  I know my kids once posed as infant suns to the cell phone planets orbiting around them.  They were cute (still are but in a more mature body) and their mother and their grandmothers and aunts and uncles all were taking cell phone pictures of both them as they would do much of anything.  And I am not saying take that away from them.  Believe me.  Someday your infant boy or girl would more than likely love to see a photo album of all the cute faces they would make when much younger.  First birthday cake.  First time eating solid food.  First steps.  First whatever else.

However, try to reduce the amount of EMF emitting products around your infant.  Maybe try to get rid of some that are really not needed.  Try to use these products less frequently and at a better distance away from baby.  TVs, microwave ovens, laptops tablets, cell phones, try to utilize them at a safer distance away and try to use them less frequently.

EMF Protection for Babies – Keep Your EMF Emitting Accessories out of Baby Strollers and Other Carriers

Along the same lines as above, many will stroll along malls, neighborhood streets, restaurants and vacation spots with their child in a stroller or in some sort of baby carrier.  While doing so, try not to keep your electronics (notably your cell phone or tablet) in a pocket or space next to your baby.  This is actually a fairly simple concept, however, many do not even think of it.  I know I may have been guilty of this as well.  There are also many protective cases for things such as cell phones and tablets.  You can read a previous article written on this topic here.  For some great recommended EMF protective cases for these products, please go here.  However, the obvious solution is to not have these gadgets riding alongside your baby.

EMF Protection for Babies – Find a Safer Baby Monitor

I have previously written a separate article on baby monitors and the possible EMF ramifications that they may cause.  You can read the article in its entirety here.  While the advantages of having a baby monitor can exceed the negatives, there are numerous baby monitors being sold today that emit a very high level of EMF radiation.  Many baby monitors now come in the digital variety.  They tend to operate via WiFi or Bluetooth.  Safer options are available, however.  For example, baby monitors of the Analog or hardwired variety are much safer options.

While hard-wiring your baby monitor may be the safest option – as it bypasses WiFi altogether – it does mean running an Ethernet cable to your infants room and, unfortunately there are no longer a great variety of these types of monitors available on the marketplace anymore.  I was able to find one, however.  Links below will redirect you to

MOM&BB Baby Safe Camera Monitor – Some features include an ultra HD camera with 360-degree view and pan-and-tilt functions, video recording, cloud storage, night vision, and 2-way audio.

As for the analog kind, these too seem to be getting harder and harder to find.  Safety 1st Crystal Clear Audio Monitor, however, is a no-frills, audio-only monitor that operates at 49 MHz.  The parent unit can be clipped onto a belt, and it is relatively inexpensive.

As for other low emission monitors that are, however, digital, two that may be worth looking into are the Sony NTM-910 900MHz BabyCall Nursery Monitor and the Babymoov Expert Care monitor.

EMF Protection for Babies – Position Your Baby’s Crib Away From Electric Outlets or Circuit Breakers

We have mentioned this prior with regards to making your bedroom a safer place.  However, the same is obviously the case with your child’s crib.  Breaker boxes and electric outlets are both fairly strong sources of EMF radiation.  Try to position your child’s crib away from them.  If your baby’s crib shares the same wall as a circuit breaker, try to change the location.

EMF Protection for Babies – EMF Protective Baby Blankets

There are some baby blankets on the market today that are advertised to do more than just keep the baby warm and secure.  EMF protective baby blankets are now getting more traction in the marketplace.  One of the more notable products available on the market today is offered by DefenderShield.comHere is the link to view the protective baby blanket.  The DefenderShield Blanket is a stylish and comfortable version which is made of 100% Organic Bamboo cloth exterior which is hypoallergenic and non-toxic.

Below is a video on the product.

EMF Protection for Babies – EMF Protective Baby Beanies

Along the same lines as the baby blankets, baby beanies are also becoming more and more popular.  We spoke earlier about how baby skulls are thinner and their brain tissues are more absorbent than adults.  For this reason, EMF protective baby beanies are also becoming more common place in the marketplace.  When you think about it, I see many babies wearing beanies, so why not add a level of EMF protection behind what is already on their heads.

Shield Your Body (SYB), makes a baby beanie that is made of hypoallergenic and nontoxic silver-lined cotton-based fabric.  It is soft, obviously lightweight and breathable.  Here is a link to the product details on

In Conclusion

Raising a child is without doubt an extremely important task.  Those infants are our future.  They are our future leaders, our future company presidents, our future inventors, our future mathematicians, our future doctors, our future homerun hitters and touchdown rushers, our future goal setters and goal scorers, our future fisherman, our future farmers, our future productive members of society.  We should try to keep them protected as best we can, from EMFs and from all other hazards that may be ahead of them.

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Infants and EMF

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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