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Gloves, Hats, Scarves and More – EMF Protection Clothing

emf protection clothing

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I just had a strange and funny thought.  Well, to me anyway.  I thought of EMF protection clothing like an old-time knight jousting or going to battle – all armored up and ready to encounter the enemy or competition, looking over the battlefield, lowering the visor and galloping into battle.

The crazy thing Is EMF protection clothing is a valuable idea to grasp.  Whether you are going to the beach on vacation, flying on an airplane, sitting in an office or whatever else, EMF protection clothing may well be worth the investment.  The key is subtlety (in my fairly vain opinion) – to wear a piece of EMF protection clothing without anyone else knowing it is EMF protection clothing.  Lucky for us, such clothing exists nowadays.

Whether it be a hat, gloves, a scarf, or whatever else, let us look more into this.

What Materials to Look for in EMF Protection Clothing

EMF protective fabric and EMF Protection clothing has become popular as of late due to the number of electronics (such as cell phones, laptops, WiFi routers) that we use every single day.  Most EMF protection clothing incorporates a metal such as copper, nickel-copper, silver, or stainless steel within the clothing fabric.

Keys to EMF Protection Clothing

One thing I have stressed above is that the piece of EMF protection clothing should be subtle.  This means wearing a piece of clothing without others knowing.  I also believe the clothing items should obviously fit well and be comfortable.  Without comfort, one is not likely to wear the article regularly.

Before spending your hard-earned money on EMF protection clothing, make sure the articles of clothing have been studied via independent lab testing.  Companies such as DefenderShield have done this and can document that their articles are proven effective.

Lastly, read customer reviews.  What are others saying about the product?  Is the piece of clothing comfortable?  Has it been proven effective for other customers?

What Brands to Look For

While there are a few solid brands out there and many others who claim to be efficient for EMF protection, as far as EMF protection clothing goes, I am a believer in two companies in particular.

The first is DefenderShield.

DefenderShield tests their products within FCC certified laboratories, and they will not bring a product to market without knowing the product can and will keep you safe.  These products have been tested and proven to block 99% or more of harmful EMF radiation.

DefenderShield offers products such as EMF protective cell phone cases, laptop shields, EMF free headphones, blue light blocking glasses as well as clothing products such as hats, gloves and scarves.

The website is worth a few moments to check out.  They have been in business for quite some time and regularly consult with their own medical and scientific advisory board.

The second is GetLambs.

The product line of GetLambs concentrates specifically on clothing apparel. Their clothing line is designed to help your immune system and fertility, as well as combat EMF harmful radiation.  Their clothing line is proved to block 99% of wireless radiation.

GetLambs website is another one I highly recommend browsing through.

Below are some EMF protection clothing articles that either DefenderShield or Getlambs offers.

EMF Protective Gloves

I have written an article regarding EMF Protective gloves before.  Entitled, EMF Radiation and the Use of Protective Gloves, you can review the article here.

When I wrote the original article, DefenderShield had not brought to market protective gloves as part of their product line.  Today, however, DefenderShield does have EMF protective gloves as part of their product line.  I updated the article a little later on to mention DefenderShield’s product.

Below is a link to EMF Protective gloves provided by DefenderShield.

EMF Radiation Protection Gloves – By: DefenderShield 

emf gloves

Why EMF protective gloves may be a wise purchase?  Well, whether typing on a computer keyboard, using a laptop, a cell phone, or many other electronic devices, some more sensitive individuals can feel the negative impacts and symptoms more so than their peers, these gloves may help.

There is actually a term for this and that term is called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, or EHS for short.  Those individuals with EHS oftentimes find themselves having a more difficult time than most in the workplace and at home due to the exposure of EMF radiation from laptops, keyboards, and other electronic devices.

EMF radiation gloves are designed to help resolve this situation and allow individuals who suffer from EHS function more freely when performing the day to day activities most of us take for granted.  No more tingling.  No more pain from EMF radiation exposure.

EMF Protective Hats

DefenderShield offer hats in the form of beanies and baseball caps.  These hats are soft and comfortable and can block 99% of wireless EMF from penetrating your head.  Below are the links to the caps on DefenderShield’s website.

EMF Radiation Protection Baseball Cap – By: DefenderShield

emf baseball cap

EMF Radiation Protection Beanie Cap – By: DefenderShield

DefenderShield EMF Beanie

EMF Protective Scarves

Scarves can be used and worn in a multitude of ways.  Many utilize a scarf around the neck or head to protect oneself from the cold or sun or just to add a little style to their wardrobe.  Well add EMF protection to the list as well.

Again, DefenderShield is a brand that has much trust in the aspect of EMF protection.  Below is a link to the EMF Protective Scarf, which comes in different colors.

EMF Radiation Protection Scarf

defendershield scarf

Faraday T-Shirts and Long Sleeve Shirts

Getlambs faraday t-shirts and long sleeve shirts block 99% of wireless radiation including 3G, 4G, 5G, Blootooth and WiFi.  The t-shirt comes in a variety of colors and are composed of a silver, cotton, and polyester blend.

Utilizing GetLambs’ proprietory EMF protection fabric, the shirts were inspired by NASA space technology and radiation proof spacesuits.  The shirts are soft, lightweight and breathable.  Below links to

Men T-shirts  – By: GetLambs

Female T-Shirts – By: GetLambs

Men Long Sleeve Shirts – By: GetLambs

Faraday Underwear

Yes, believe it or not, GetLambs has underwear in their product line.  When you think of it, EMF underwear may be essential and often forgotten about.  EMF can impact fertility.  Read our article on EMF and male fertility here.

EMF radiation has been known to negatively impact male fertility.  Research on the concern has revealed that exposure to EMF radiation resulted in issues in both sperm motility and potency.  What does this all mean?  Well, simply put, it means that the sperm is slower and there is less of it overall than average.  And obviously, although it is not impossible for a couple faced with motility and potency issues to conceive, it will be made a great deal more difficult.

Below are a few products offered by GetLambs:

Boxer Briefs – By: GetLambs

Faraday Trunks – By: GetLambs

Faraday Briefs for Women – By: GetLambs

EMF Protective Belly Band

We have discussed EMF protective belly bands before.  Two articles that dive into this topic are In Search of EMF Pregnancy Protection? Consider the EMF Protection Belly Band and EMF Pregnancy Protection – No Negativity, Just Smiles.

For the expecting mother to be, the EMF protective belly band –both lightweight and comfortable – is a great way to protect the unborn child from EMF radiation.

Link below to along with a brief video of the product:

EMF protection Belly Band – By: DefenderShield

EMF protection Belly Band – By: DefenderShield

EMF Protective Blankets

While not an article of clothing at all.  The EMF protective blanket will protect oneself from EMF radiation and can be a very useful article to acquire.  I have written a previous article on the EMF protective blanket before.  The link to the article is below.

The EMF Radiation Protection Blanket – Time to Warm Up to the Idea

Below is a brief video on the product as well as link is to and the protective blankets they currently offer.  The blanket can be sized in different dimensions to meet your needs.

EMF Protection Anti-Radiation Blanket – By: DefenderShield

EMF Protection Anti-Radiation Blanket – By: DefenderShield

In Summary

Companies such as DefenderShield, Getlambs and others have taken notice that EMF exposure is real and can considerably inhibit many who are sensitive to EMFs.  Many who are not overly sensitive may not even know the affects EMFs can have long term.

These companies have studied each product they put to market to ensure the product’s effectiveness.  The products both companies bring to market work and are not overly gimmicky.  They are stylish while being effective at the same time.  Again, before purchasing a product by any vendor online, please read the reviews and also make sure the product has been tested properly.

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Clothing for EMF

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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