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In Search of EMF Pregnancy Protection? Consider the EMF Protection Belly Band.

EMF Protection Belly Band

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Why should you consider purchasing an EMF protection belly band?

As an expecting mother, or as a friend or family member of an expecting mother, you or your loved one is most likely already practicing solid health practices.  Some practices advised by doctors include:

  • Stop the consumption of alcohol.  After all, ingesting alcohol during pregnancy is considered the leading cause of birth defects.  As a pregnant woman drinks, so does her child.
  • Stop smoking cigarettes.  Nicotine is fifteen percent more targeted in the unborn baby’s blood than it is in the mother’s.
  • Stop ingesting marijuana.  Both in edible forms or smoking.  With the legalization of marijuana in many US states, this may be more difficult than in previous times.  However, it is essential.
  • Stop partaking in any other drugs or medications that has not been approved by your doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Eat well and exercise.

Because you are reading this now, I can assume protecting your unborn child from EMF radiation is also a concern.  As well as it should be.  As a father of two, I wish I had known more about EMF radiation and the possible impact on my family’s unborn children way back when.

What Impact Can EMF Radiation Have on an Unborn Child?

EMF radiation is real and protecting both ourselves and our unborn children from EMFs are becoming more and more a necessary part of life.  I have written an article previously on the topic entitled EMF Pregnancy Protection – No Negativity, Just Smiles.  You can read that article here.

Wireless radiation exposure during pregnancy has been linked to many conditions including:

  • A higher rate of miscarriage (3 times a higher rate)
  • A higher rate of asthma later on in the child’s development (again 3 times a higher rate)
  • An impact on the development of motor skills within your newborn

Below is a video on the subject from

What Is an EMF Protection Belly Band?

While keeping yourself a safe distance away from EMF sources during the course of your pregnancy is ideal, nowadays this can be a challenge.  This is why the EMF protection belly band may be your next safest bet.

Composed of an ultra soft organic bamboo and Cotton blend,  the DefenderShield EMF protection belly band offers protection to your unborn child from wireless RF radiation released by mobile devices and other sources.  The EMF protection belly band incorporates EMF shielding material and has been studied and proven to block 99% of RF signals.

The belly band weighs approximately a quarter of a pound, has an adjustable elastic waistband and is designed to comfortably keep your little one protected throughout the course of your pregnancy.  It is designed for anyone who wore between sizes 2 and 10 before becoming pregnant, and the belly band material stretches to accommodate your belly up to 44-inches around.  DefenderShield’s belly band is simple to put on and take off, is comfortable enough to wear throughout the day, and is said to be very soft to the touch.

Below is a quick video of DefenderShield’s EMF protection belly band as well as a link to purchase/review more.


Alternatives to the EMF Protection Belly Bands

Of course, while many believe the EMF protection belly band offers the most protection for your unborn child (aside from avoiding EMF at all costs), there are other ways out there to protect your unborn child from EMF radiation – laptop/tablet protection, EMF protective blankets and cell phone protection come to mind.  We have covered each topic previously.  Below are links to those articles.

EMF Radiation and Your Laptop: What to Know? What You Can Do.Laptop/Tablet Protection

The EMF Radiation Protection Blanket – Time to Warm Up to the Idea  EMF Protective Blankets

EMF Cell Phone Protection – Some Simple Ways We Can Protect Ourselves – Cell Phone Protection 

DefenderShield does offer products in each category.  All of which have been thoroughly tested and found to protect us from EMF radiation.

Playing it Safe – Some General Tips

Below is a list of 6 more tips to help reduce your EMF exposure while pregnant.  I previously published these tips in another article, however, I felt it would be beneficial here as well.

  1. Try limiting or avoiding EMF radiation whenever possible. This is especially crucial throughout the first trimester, when the baby is most vulnerable.
  2. Try to minimize your use of gadgets while pregnant. This includes your cell phone, your laptop and your tablet.  The world will understand if you choose to take a brief hiatus from social media.
  3. What other gadget do you own that may emit EMF radiation? Do you have an electric blanket resting on your lap?  An alarm clock on your cell phone close by when you sleep?  Are you staring in the microwave window as your popcorn pops?  Well, you probably shouldn’t be.  Play it safe.
  4. Utilize your landline phone whenever possible. However, when using your cell phone, try utilizing EMF-Free Earbud Headphones.  Related article on the subject is here.  Product link is here.
  5. Try to position your internet router as far away as possible from the places in your home that you frequent the most. Places like your bedroom, you living room, your kitchen should be places you sleep, live and cook.  Try to keep your router away from such places.
  6. While on the subject of your wireless router, perhaps try turning it off at night and only turn it back on during daytime hours when you need it.


I realize that you may have many things on your mind when pregnant with child.  I know I did when I was expecting to be a father.  Hopefully, this article will help to reduce the concerns of EMF radiation to some degree, and further help you decide if an EMF protection belly band is right for you and your baby to be.  Be well.

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EMF Pregnancy Protection

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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