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EMF Pregnancy Protection – No Negativity, Just Smiles

emf pregnancy protection

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Whether you are searching for yourself, your wife, a friend or family member, congratulations and I hope you find this article useful.

In recent years, EMF radiation and protection from EMF exposure has become more and more popular.  Our use of laptops, tablets and cell phones have become a way of life and have drastically increased in popularity over the years.  Cell towers are all around us now.  Our world has changed, no doubt.  I am not a very negative person, so I am not saying all this change is a bad thing.  It is progression.  We are progressing.  However, I do feel we should protect ourselves in the process.  Our unborn babies?  Yes, we should protect our next generation as best we can.  Below are some tips and products that deal with EMF pregnancy protection.

Protection From EMF Radiation When Pregnant

Maybe you have already purchased a book and researched some cool names for babies.  Maybe you have already bought the best prenatal vitamins for yourself or your loved one.  You or your loved one have already sworn off alcohol.  You have stayed away from cigarettes.  Now, congratulations, you are searching for EMF protection products.

EMF radiation is no way a laughing matter.  Yes, EMF radiation is all around us.  Yes, studies have been done to see how much of an impact EMF radiation exposure can negatively impact pregnancy.  My thoughts on the matter are that people are still having healthy, beautiful babies in the age of technology all the time.  Most likely when that cute baby arrives, you will take a quick cell phone picture to show your family and friends.  It will be like an A+ grade in school.  Hello world, meet baby.  But at the same time, maybe we should play the next few months as safe as possible when we can.

Playing it Safe – Some General Tips

  1. Try limiting or avoiding EMF radiation whenever possible. This is especially crucial throughout the first trimester, when the baby is most vulnerable.
  2. Try to minimize your use of gadgets while pregnant. This includes your cell phone, your laptop and your tablet.  The world will understand if you choose to take a brief hiatus from social media.
  3. What other gadget do you own that may emit EMF radiation? Do you have an electric blanket resting on your lap?  An alarm clock on your cell phone close by when you sleep?  Are you staring in the microwave window as your popcorn pops?  Well, you probably shouldn’t be.  Play it safe.
  4. Utilize your landline phone whenever possible. However, when using your cell phone, try utilizing EMF-Free Earbud Headphones.  Related article on the subject is here.  Product link is here.
  5. Try to position your internet router as far away as possible from the places in your home that you frequent the most. Places like your bedroom, you living room, your kitchen should be places you sleep, live and cook.  Try to keep your router away from such places.
  6. While on the subject of your wireless router, perhaps try turning it off at night and only turn it back on during daytime hours when you need it.

 Playing it Safe – Laptop/Tablet Protection

 Obviously, if you are playing it as safe as possible, you or your loved one is not browsing the internet while your laptop or tablet rests on your baby’s current house (aka your belly).  Search for a solid EMF laptop or tablet shielding product.  DefenderShield has a few.  Here is a link to our affiliate store to view various DefenderShield brand laptop and tablet protection products.

Playing it Safe – The Baby Belly Band

DefenderShield’s Pregnancy Belly Band is made from a soft organic bamboo and cotton blend.  The band integrates enhanced EMF radiation safeguarding material to help protect your developing child from up to 99% of the wireless EMF/RF radiation emitted by mobile devices and other gadgets.  Here is a link to the product details, and below is a video on the product.

Playing it Safe – The EMF Radiation Protection Blanket

I have already written an article on the EMF protection blanket.  You can find that article here.  This product can be used by the general public, whether pregnant or not.  However, I feel this is product is worthwhile for EMF pregnancy protection as well.

Again, here is the product link where you can read more about the product specs and below is a video on the product.

In Conclusion

Try to enjoy the experience of being pregnant or a loved one being pregnant as much as possible.  Name you baby responsibly.  Take care of your own health as well as the baby’s.  Try not to stress out so much.  And if EMF pregnancy protection is on your mind, do what you can.

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EMF Pregnancy

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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