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How Close to a Cell Tower Do You Live?

EMF and Cell Tower Locations

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EMF and cell tower locations – how can we find the nearest cell tower?  How close is our home to one?

I have written an article previous entitled EMF Radiation and Cell Towers – Any Concern?.  You can find that article here.  In that article we discussed whether cell towers emit EMF radiation, how much radiation, what is considered a safe distance away from a cell tower, and even discuss a few websites that track locations of cell towers – so that you can see how close (or far) your home is from one.

I will summarize that article in a little more detail here:

Do Cell Towers Emit EMF Radiation?

The answer is yes. While it is true that the exposure level from cell towers are regulated by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), EMF levels are still of a concern.  Cell towers obviously operate at a higher strength than cell phones.  While it is true that the EMF radiation protruding from a cell tower is not as close to your head as an actual cell phone when in use – please keep in mind that you are not operating your cell phone every second of every hour of every day.  Cell towers, however, emit EMF radiation continuously.

How Much EMF Radiation Emits From a Cell Tower?

Below is a YouTube video to explain more.  In the beginning of the video, the gentleman’s reading on his EMF meter is within the safe range of 7.8 millivolts per meter.  Later in his journey, however, as the gentleman gets closer to the cell tower, the EMF reading increases to well over 1,500 millivolts per meter.

Is There a Suggested Safe Distance Away from a Cell Tower?

Is there a suggested safe distance away from a cell tower?  Well, it really depends on who you are asking.  The consensus seems to believe that people living anywhere from 150 yards to 440 yards (quarter of a mile) away from a cell tower could be at risk of EMF related health issues.

EMF and Cell Tower Locations

There are a few websites that can help locate the closest cell towers in your area.  Below are four helpful websites to find cell tower locations.

  1. – Simply enter your zip code or city and state and select GO.  On the page that comes up, select the All Towers hyperlink and you can see the location of all the cell towers in your area – addresses and all.
  2. – This is similar to above.  Again, type in your town and state in the form and hit SUBMIT.  You will see a list of Registered and non-registered towers in your area, as well as single and multiple antennas.
  3. Ookla 5G Rollout Map – This website can be used to find the nearest 5G tower in your area.  The website covers the entire globe and updated regularly.  The tool is simple to use.  Simply click on the area of the map where you wish to find out what 5G towers are in your area, then zoom in (or out) with the plus/minus signs on the screen.
  4. – While somewhat more difficult to use than the previous websites (in my opinion), provides up to date information on the location of cell towers in your area.

In Conclusion

Finding the locations of nearby cell towers can be interesting and well worth time.  Of course, please do not panic if you find a cell tower closer to your home than you originally thought.  There are many ways to better protect yourself and residence from the EMFs cell towers emit.

There are canopies for your bed, EMF protection paint for your home, EMF protective window treatments and a various other ideas and product lines to keep your home as EMF free as it is going to be.

I think a better approach would be to monitor the EMFs that are produced inside your home.  Items such as your cell phone, your laptop and your WiFi router can be addressed first.  I have written a few articles about each in the past.

Companies such as DefenderShield, EMF Harmony and Life Energy Solutions manufacture and sell various different lines of EMF protection products that can keep you safe within your home.

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Cell Tower Locations

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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