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EMF and Male Fertility

EMF and Male Fertility

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Unfortunately, more and more men have encountered fertility problems in recent years.  Moreover, the use of devices that give off electromagnetic frequency radiation has significantly increased.  Is this nothing more than a coincidence?  Could your cell phone potentially be a reason why you’re having difficulties when trying to conceive?  How does EMF really influence male fertility?

So, What is EMF Radiation?

Ok, so what exactly is EMF radiation?  EMF is actually a form of radiation that is emitted by electric devices that transmit a signal.  A number of this is actually ionizing, such as X-rays.  However, a good deal of EMF radiation is non-ionizing, like the type that is transmitted by your mobile phone.  While government agencies as well as federal guidelines suggest that small amounts of exposure to non-ionizing radiation are actually not recognized to cause cancer or serious health concerns, independent research indicates that this may not be entirely accurate.

In fact, truth be told, there is some indication that the non-ionizing radiation released from Bluetooth devices, WiFi routers and WiFi-enabled devices, as well as other everyday electronic devices may actually be harmful, particularly in the mass levels that we tend to be exposed to it.  Even though one device may not give off a great deal of EMF radiation, most of us have a tendency to be glued to our phones and other devices.  The collective effect of all that exposure will add up and could potentially lead to health problems.  Male fertility is actually one area that EMF radiation may affect.

How Does EMF Radiation Affect Male Fertility?

Unfortunately, EMF radiation has been known to negatively impact male fertility.  Research on the concern has revealed that exposure to EMF radiation resulted in issues in both sperm motility and potency.  What does this all mean?  Well, simply put, it means that the sperm is slower and there is less of it overall than average.  And obviously, although it is not impossible for a couple faced with motility and potency issues to conceive, it will be made a great deal more difficult.

Some Tips for Avoiding EMF Radiation-Related Male Fertility Problems

Thankfully, there are a couple of simple instructions one can easily take to minimize EMF radiation-related fertility issues.  Additionally, while it is well worth noting that there are a few different health concerns associated to EMF radiation, these specific tips are intended to simply minimize fertility-related concerns.

EMF and Male Fertility Tip 1 – Always, Be Mindful of Cell Phone Placement

Believe it or not (and I hope you do believe it) exactly where people place their cell phones do actually make a fairly big difference.  If you are one (like me) who regularly tends to put your cell phone in the front pocket of your pants, think about carrying it someplace different.  You may perhaps wish to consider buying an EMF radiation protection sleeve.  These tend to be quite affordable cases that can possibly help decrease some of the EMF given off by your cell phone.  And please don’t hold your cell phone way down near your groin while you text or game.  Keep in mind this may perhaps feel like it is only for a moment or two, however those moments can add up over the course of the day.  For more EMF reducing cell phone cases and sleeves, please see our recommended product list here.

EMF and Male Fertility Tip 2 – Please Set the Laptop on a Table

Alongside those same lines, you may perhaps wish to purchase a radiation protection pad for your laptop or perhaps just set it on top of a desk or table.  Positioning a laptop computer directly on your lap boosts EMF exposure to the groin region (I, myself have been guilty of this).   If you need to position your laptop computer on your lap, consider placing it in airplane mode first, this way WiFi and Bluetooth are at the very least disabled.

EMF and Male Fertility Tip 3 – You May Want to Go Wired

Cut down on your use of WiFi-enabled products around your home, and consider transitioning away from WiFi altogether.  Wired internet is actually faster anyway, and emits far less EMF radiation than WiFi.  Limiting your overall exposure to EMF radiation is definitely an important part of safeguarding yourself against EMF-related fertility problems.

To Sum it All Up

In the event that you are having difficulty conceiving and you are unable to pinpoint the reason why, examine the chance that EMF may be impacting you in a very negative way.  And while limiting your overall exposure may seem a bit complicated in today’s world, it is certainly worthy of a good try.

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Male Fertility and EMF


J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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