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Cordless Phone Radiation – A Guide to Avoid EMF Radiation

emf radiation cordless phone

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Nowadays, landline phones seem to play second fiddle to cell phones.  They are slowly going out of use altogether.  Still, out of the homes that maintain a landline, a cordless phone is the device being used.  After all, cordless phones offer many advantages that landlines lack.  They are easy to move around with, they take up little space, and they are more allowing for multi-tasking.  However, while it’s becoming common thought that cell phones emit good deal of radiation, the cordless phone seems to have avoided getting a finger pointed at them altogether.  Well, why? You really don’t hear much at all about cordless phone radiation or any possibility any possible exposure to EMF radiation.  Truth is, however, cordless phones emit quite bit of EMF radiation, which is bad for your health and your family’s health in the long-run.

EMF Radiation and Cordless phones

Cordless phone headsets constantly transmit info when a call is made or received.  The info is carried through the base station of the phone line.  This particular communication between your base station and your telephone receiver is exactly what triggers the most amount of EMF radiation from the cordless telephone.  So basically, whenever the cordless telephone is in use, whether you are speaking with your favorite telemarketer or your loving mother or father, all those lovely radio frequencies are actually being transmitted in close proximity to your head and perhaps straight through your brain.

Cordless Phone Radiation and Exposure Risks

So what happens when a user is exposed to excess EMF?  Well, for starters, there’s a high risk of cancer.  EMF radiation is a known carcinogenic, and can lead to the development of brain tumors.

Glioma is a common condition that’s linked to EMF radiation.  However, it is often associated with the use of cell phones.

Why Brain Tumors?

Do note that your home phone is in contact with your head as you use said phone.  As a result, the EMF radiation gets transmitted directly to your head.  It is where the radiation’s output is concentrated.  And it increases the likelihood of harmful cell mutations in the brain.

Other Risks of Cordless Phones.

Cordless phones raise the overall levels of EMF in your home.  And when those are too high, a degree of discomfort may start to develop.

Many individuals are sensitive to changes in EMF levels.  These individuals may begin to experience random problems, such as nausea, headaches, depression, and even itching.

Prolonged exposure comes the risk of cancer (outside of the aforementioned brain tumors).  And they may even lead to a drop in sperm counts, plus problems with conception.

Some Guidelines to Reduce Cordless Phone Radiation and EMF Exposure

Cordless phone radiation and where to start to defuse this possibility?  Well, to begin with, we highly recommend ditching cordless phones for the corded models.  At first, that may feel like a bad idea.  After all, you’re giving up a high-tech option for an antiquated one, but it is one of the best long-term solutions for EMF reduction.

If that seems a bit unrealistic or not at all feasible, or if you fear what your friends will think, there are actually still a handful of strategies you can implement to help protect yourself from EMF radiation.

One particular thing you can obviously do is actually disconnect your telephone when it’s not being used.  This is obviously troublesome for receiving inbound calls, so honestly you may desire doing this only at nighttime.  Nevertheless, any and all time spent with the base station turned off will certainly trim your household’s overall EMF exposure.

Still another option you can decide to try is actually using a wired headset, one that you will connect to the phone.  This still makes portability possible, and it will also allow you to establish some distance between your head and the phone.  Simply just try to remember to grab a wired headset instead of Bluetooth.  The Bluetooth headset gives off EMF radiation of its own.

Some More Options and Final Word

You can look for cordless phones on the market that reduce transmitted EMF.  There are actually a couple cordless phones currently on the market that allow you to reduce the amount of EMF radiation emitted.  Gigaset cordless phones, for example, produce minimal amounts of EMF radiation when in standby mode.  Yes, you are still exposed while you’re on the phone, but the use of a wired headset would obviously help cut that down.

Truth is, the EMF radiation emitted by cordless phones is still something worth being aware of.  Corded phones are a much safer bet.  If you simply must have a cordless phone, however, or you work in an office that requires it, do what you can to minimize your exposure.  Also, please don’t forget to get an EMF meter.  After switching out phone lines, you need a way to gauge the drop in radiation levels.  Be sure to take  two readings.  One before changing phones and then another after installing the new one!

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EMF Radiation Cordless Phone

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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