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Can I Use Shungite for EMF Protection? What Is This Stuff?

EMF Protection Shungite

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Shungite is a black and fairly shiny mineral comprised of greater than 98 percent carbon.  It was discovered near the Shunga village in Russia in the mid-late 1800s.  (Shunga and Shungite, I understand the naming convention now.)  Anyway, in order to understand Shungite in terms of EMF protection, we first need to dive into something called fullerene.

According to, fullerene is described as “any of a class of molecules of carbon having a roughly spherical shape”.  These fullerenes are thought to be exceptionally strong anti-oxidants and are currently being studied for numerous health benefits.

Pure shungite contains a limited amount of fullerenes.  Hence, one health benefit believed to be associated to shungite, due to the presence of fullerenes, is the possible ability to digest and neutralize the dangerous frequencies from EMF radiation.

How People Use Shungite as Protection from EMF

So, how do we use this mineral to protect us from EMF radiation? Well, people often position shungite close to all electronic devices.  Such places can include devices like your laptop, your television, your microwave oven and your WiFi router.

Shungite comes in various forms.

Shungite pyramids are common and can be purchased online.  These pyramids are manufactured from large pieces of shungite, and along with its shape, shungite pyriamids are believed to provide a large amount of EMF protection.

Here are a few links to shungite pyramid products (Links to

Shungite Polished Pyramid – 110 x 110 mm – EMF Stone

Shungite Pyramid Set – 50 mm – for EMF Protection

Unpolished Shungite Pyramid – 2 inches – Natural EMF Stone

Another form of Shungite for EMF protection is shungite plates for cell phones.  While I do believe that cell phone cases can offer more proven protection (find some great cell phone cases here), some people will adhere shungite to the back their cell phones.  For some shungite enthusiasts, does offer cell phone stickers made of shungite.

Shungite Cell Phone Sticker

Lastly, due to the pleasant look and feel of the product, shungite also commonly comes in the form of attractive and eye-catching jewelry.

Karelia Shungite Pendant – EMF Protection Stone (Circle)

Heart Polished Shungite Pendant

Can Shungite Cause Any Harm?

So, now that we addressed what shungite is and how some feel it will protect us from EMF radiation, are there any potential negative side effects?  Well, if you suffer from hypertension, it is recommended that you use with caution when utilizing shungite, as it may be overwhelming to your body.  If you do feel strain or raised blood pressure, it is recommended to stop using shungite.  Others, with very sensitive sleep patterns, have reported a negative impact on sleep.  Hence, if you find yourself tossing and turning at night, you should remove shungite from the bedroom.

For more information about shungite, Regina Martino’s book entitled Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification is a fantastic product that is worth reading.  The book goes into great detail on the subject.  It explains how shungite combats the damaging effects of EMF radiation from technologies such as computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices.  The book further details the various healing uses of Shungite.  If you want to check out the book, a link can be found below (link to

Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification – By: Regina Martino

In Conclusion

As with most things, we need to have positive and negative impacts coexist.  For example one positive impact of your cell phone is the ability to keep yourself in touch with others when needed.  If your car breaks down, no need to walk to a pay phone or gas station to get in touch with those who can help.  Pull out your cell phone.  One negative impact with cell phones, however, is that of EMF radiation and its impact on our health.  The same can be said with shungite.  On one side, the positive side,  people claim it is very effective to combat the negative impact of EMF radiation.  One the negative side, however, there may be side effects involved with its use.  Key is make certain the positives weigh more than the negatives, so we can keep progressing forward.

So, what is my opinion of shungite for EMF protection.  Well, I did look into this subject with a bit of a pessimistic approach, thinking this could just be nothing more than a gimmick, and was going to relay this information to you.  I do believe that, with the use of cell phone EMF radiation, better and more well tested products are currently out there to help shield ourselves from EMF.  However, I really do not see a reason (other than the possible side effects mentioned above) that makes me say “don’t waste your money” on this product as a possible remedy in the battle with EMF.

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EMF Shungite

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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