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Advice When Shopping for the Best EMF Protection Products

best emf protection products

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Searching for the best EMF protection products can be a fairly complicated task.  What works?  What doesn’t?

During the holiday season, I dread going to department stores.  I like to make a list and have an idea of what I am getting before I step foot inside a mall.  My wife on the other hand, she enjoys it.  We can walk into a mall, and within 20 feet from the entrance, she will find a shirt on a hanger or something that obviously is made of material that needs to be touched.  She will feel it,  look at the price, search for a certain size, remove it from the rack, put it up against herself, find a mirror, ask me for my opinion and then put it back.  A few feet later, she will find another object that needs to be justly evaluated.

Although I like to kid around about my wife’s shopping mindset, I do see (or think I see) the process she embarks on when trying to make a buying decision.  With many EMF products, however, being sold online and not in a walk-in, physical store, we are unable to be 100% confident in our purchase.  Sure we can see the effectiveness of the product in the description, but we can’t verify what shade of grey the product is.  The product claims it will fit my cell phone, but will it?  How soft and comfortable is this product?  How heavy does it feel?  I know the dimensions are often listed on the webpage, but I can’t find the mathematical equation that tells me that this product’s weight is perfect for me personally to carry around with me.

For this reason, I decided to research and share some tips I thought were fairly useful when evaluating, selecting and finally purchasing the best EMF protection products available.

What Company’s Name is On the Product?

Are you buying a product that Jimmy manufactured in his basement down the street?  Or are you buying from a company that spends much time and money researching the overall effectiveness of the product before bringing it to market?  Jimmy may have a product that really works and is effective, but companies like DefenderShield test their products in a variety of applications by independent labs before bringing the product to market.  They simply will not bring a product to market without knowing it works.  That is important to me.

Look Beyond the Purchase Price of the Item

Price shopping can become difficult.  Does this $300 product really work better than Jimmy’s $10 version?  The cost of researching, manufacturing and marketing a product does play a role in a product’s price.  I am not saying that you should buy the most expensive product available and expect it to work better.   Price point is very important when shopping for anything.  Does your confidence in the product’s effectiveness warrant a higher price?  Does a lower priced product mean the product has less value?  It is the technology involved that truly makes the product work or not work.

Return policy

I can’t tell you how many times I came home from work or wherever else and saw a package placed on my doorstep.   In a state of bliss, I pick the package up, run inside, announce to whomever will listen that it is here, it is here, grab a knife from the kitchen drawer, open up the package, remove the product from the bubble wrap and pffff…..disappointment.

For this reason, I would look for a good, solid return policy offered by the vendor.  One that works best for you.  I thought the product was a darker charcoal color but this product is too light, or this product feels like plastic and not as leathery as I anticipated.  With a solid return policy, we can be disappointed but we can go through the steps required to return the product.  No need to live with it when you don’t need to.

Where are you Buying the Product From (What Website)?

Here on EMFLuLu, I partner with companies like Amazon, DefenderShield and EMF-Harmony to review and offer the best EMF protection products I can find.  I do not have a link that sends you to an unsecured website where Jimmy is shoving newspapers in a coffee tin to put his product in and mail it out.  Please be aware of as much as you can of the vendor.  As mentioned above, do they have a return policy?  Do you trust putting your credit card digits into the order form?

Answers to Product Questions You May Have

Okay, so you see the product at an agreeable price, you trust the vendor, do you have any other questions?  Please do not assume a product’s worth is over your head.  If you have questions, you have questions.  Plain and simple.  Does the vendor’s product page sound like a load of you know what (jargon).  I have read many product pages in the past that made little sense to me.  Is the vendor trying to sell me something with bright, shiny lights and confusion.  Maybe.  My theory though is that a quality product comes from a good and reliable vendor who will try to explain the product in no uncertain terms and also offer a way to ask  any questions you may still have before the purchase.

In Conclusion

When looking to purchase the best EMF protection products available, you will also need to ask yourself if the vendor is reliable and trustworthy.  The type of product you are searching for will obviously depend on your objective.  Whether your goal is to decrease headaches, sleep better, protect your unborn child, protect your family, or invest in an EMF meter, I hope you keep your head in the game and your eyes on the prize.  When shopping online, from the comforts of your own home, you shouldn’t feel like you are playing an away game in baseball in a hostile environment.  Know the pitch that is coming and drive it.

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EMF Products


J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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