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7 Ideas for DIY EMF Protection

DIY EMF Protection

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I continue to think of a scene from the movie Signs, where the character played by Joaquin Phoenix (Merrill Hess was the character’s name) wore an aluminum foil hat as he watched the news intently.  The idea behind the aluminum foil hat was to provide a means to block the character’s thoughts from the aliens who were beginning to make their presence known.  The thought of that movie clip still makes me giggle.  I liked that movie a lot.  Would an aluminum hat work if the same scenario unfolded in real life?  I have no idea.

We can protect ourselves from EMF radiation, however, with a few DIY methods.  Of course, DIY EMF protection may not come with the peace of mind that comes from purchasing a product from a reputable company such as DefenderShield or GetLambs, which has been tested and proven to block 99% of harmful EMF radiation.  For certain, I would not create a pregnancy belly band for a pregnant wife from aluminum foil.  Instead, I would purchase one from DefenderShield.  Link to the DefenderShield’s belly band can be found here.

However, creating some items of EMF protection via do it yourself methods, protective fabrics such as a few mentioned in this article and a few other materials, are definitely not out of reason.  They can help reduce the amount of EMF radiation present in your home and can be more cost effective.  Two solid reasons to give it a shot.

Materials to Use for DIY EMF Protection

I have touched on the subject of what materials best block EMF radiation in a previous article.  That article is entitled, EMF Protection Fabric – What Materials Best Block EMF Radiation.  You can find that article here.

However, to sum up the materials proven to effectively block EMF radiation, here they are. The materials are not listed in any particular order.  All below links to

TitanRF Faraday Fabric – By: Mission Darkness Copper EMF Blocking Fabric – By: Amradield


Faraday EMI FRID Shielding Fabric – By: Amradield Amradield Shielding Fabric – By Amradield


SwissShield NATURELL – By: SwissShield SwissShield Radiation Shielding – Cotton Fabric – By: SwissShield

DIY EMF Protection Ideas

So, you have the above mentioned EMF shielding materials, now what can you do with them?  Well, I am sure if you are reading this article, you are more versed in handy/slash/creative work than myself.  However, here are a list of projects I thought of.

Try to think about where the EMF radiation is emitted.  For instance – your microwave, your smart meter, your WiFi router.  Then try to think about common possessions you can improve on such as window treatments or that blanket you like to snuggle underneath when watching your favorite TV show.

Smart Meter Covers

I have previously written an article entitled, Smart Meter EMF Protection – What You Should Know.  If you would like to learn more about smart meters and the EMF radiation they come with, please check out my article on the topic here.

Basically, your home’s smart meter enables energy companies to monitor your energy consumption, install appropriate software, and actually turn off your electrical power without the need to physically send a worker to your property.

These smart meters are also known to release a high amount of RF/EMF radiation.

Yes, of course, there are products out there to cover your smart meter and reduce the levels of EMF you and your family are exposed to.  However, because this article is about DIY EMF protection, here are a couple videos I fund on YouTube that should help get the creative juices flowing.

Video 1:

Video 2:

WiFi Router Guard

Okay, so more than likely, your home has a robust WiFi signal, and your WiFi router is continuously pumping out that convenient signal.  That is great.  However, did you know that there is growing concern that WiFi radiation can cause health issues and even severe conditions in some people.  These conditions include headaches, muscle aches, brain fog, heart palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, and many more.

Because we do not necessarily need WiFi when we sleep, I previously suggested scheduling the times your WiFi router is on and off.  You can find more suggestions like this in my article entitled, WiFi Router Radiation: 8 Ways to Protect Your Household From EMFs.

Another alternative to switching your WiFi Router off and on, is by using a WiFi router guard.  Again, I wrote an article on WiFi router guards previously.  You can find that article here.  The article is called What is the Best WiFi Router Guard to Protect us from EMF Radiation.

But would you like to build your own WiFi router guard?  If so, consider covering the guard with a mesh-like box or a mesh-like bag.

For the bag approach, try utilizing the EMF protection fabric mentioned above and arrange the cloth around your WiFi router in order to shield yourself from harmful EMF radiation while at the same time allowing the WiFi signal to pass thru.  Now while some may be very capable of using a sewing machine, I am not.  That said, being creative and sewing out a hairnet style design for the WiFi router, I feel would be more than sufficient and probably look a bit better than just tossing the fabric over the router.

For the cage approach, try using window screen material, form a box large enough to encompass your router, hold it together with TitanRF Faraday Tape (link to and place your masterpiece over the WiFi router.

Try Using a Shield on Your Microwave Oven

Admittingly, I am not a fan of the microwave oven, and I do not use the microwave often.  When I think about the reasons as to why my family even uses the microwave oven, I realize, there are alternatives.  Making popcorn, reheating leftovers, and defrosting food directly from the freezer – these are typical reasons my family uses a microwave oven.

Why can’t my family (myself included) use a stovetop to pop that pop corn instead?  Why can’t we utilize the oven or stovetop again to reheat leftovers?  And as for defrosting that package of frozen chicken breasts for dinner, why can’t we plan a little ahead of time and defrost it in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water?  Who knows?

Regardless, I came across the following video on YouTube.   The video suggests building a simple microwave oven shield by using materials that are commonly found around your house.  Video below.

A Laptop Pad for DIY EMF Protection

DefenderShield offers a great line of EMF protection products.  If you have the time, I suggest checking out there website here.  Backed by scientific lab tests, each product DefenderShield brings to market is tested rigorously to ensure the product’s effectiveness.

Below are some laptop protective products on DefenderShield’s website.

DefenderPad Laptop EMF Radiation + Heat Shield

Laptop EMF Radiation Protection + Safety Sleeve

However, for a DIY EMF protection approach to the problem with the laptop, try using a shielding fabric such as Faraday EMI FRID Shielding Fabric – By: Amradield or TitanRF Faraday Fabric – By: Mission Darkness to wrap a surface board or cutting board with.  Secure the wrapped board with thread and utilize this contraption between your lap and your laptop to help reduce the EMFs you are exposed to.

For more on the topic of EMF and your laptop, please read the article on the subject here.

Curtains and Curtain Liners

If you live in close proximity to a cell tower or power line, you may be concerned with any EMF radiation entering your home.  Some have decided to combat the intruding EMFs with anti-radiation curtains or curtain liners.

Some popular brands are as follows (links to

Faraday Defense Curtain Panel

Moondream Radiation Blackout Curtains

However, to make an EMF protective curtain (or curtain liner) yourself, one can purchase EMF blocking material, making sure to accurately measure the size needed. I have posted below a couple YouTube videos that explain the curtain making process in more detail.  This could be a fun and worthwhile project.

How to Measure and Make Curtains

How to Sew Lined Back Tab Curtains (Tutorial)

How to Make Basic Lined Curtains

Bed Canopy

As mentioned in a previous article entitled, EMF Protection for the Bedroom, the average individual spends approximately 33% of our life either sleeping or attempting to sleep.

As you may already know, EMF radiation can reduce the amount of melatonin we produce.  Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain and helps keep control of our sleep-wake cycles.  Typically, our melatonin levels increase in the evening when the sun sets and decreases in the morning when the sun rises.  The pineal gland, however, may interpret EMF radiation as a source of light and may then limit our melatonin production, causing us to think about why we can’t sleep in the first place.

One way to reduce the amount of EMF radiation our bodies are exposed to while we sleep is with a bed canopy made of EMF protective fabric.  Below are a couple pre-made EMF protective canopies to give you a sense of how they look.  Below links to

BlocSilver EMF Bed Canopy – By: BlocSilver Silver Fiber EMF Shielding Bed Canopy – By: GLFZWJ

In sticking with our DIY EMF protection theme here, BlocSilver makes a breathable material which can be ideal to create a homemade bed canopy.  Start by measuring the length of fabric needed to cover the entire bed, from the ceiling to the floor.  Attach the canopy to the ceiling around your bed – possibly with a series of hooks and let the fabric drape down to the floor.  You may also wish to sew in some small weights to the bottom of the canopy for a better hang and well put together look.

For more elaborate bed canopy ideas, here is a link to  Many of the ideas presented here would look great and, with EMF protective fabric, would serve both a design and functional purpose.

EMF Protection Gloves

In some individuals, EMF radiation can make some of the day to day things we all take for granted more difficult.  Whether typing on a computer keyboard, using a laptop, a cell phone, or many other electronic devices, some more sensitive individuals can feel the negative impacts and symptoms more so than their peers.  There is actually a term for this and that term is called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, or EHS for short.  Those individuals with EHS oftentimes find themselves having a more difficult time than most in the workplace and at home due to the exposure of EMF radiation from laptops, keyboards, and other electronic devices.

EMF radiation gloves are designed to help resolve this situation and allow individuals who suffer from EHS function more freely when performing the day to day activities most of us take for granted.  No more tingling.  No more pain from EMF radiation exposure.

DefenderShield produces an affordable EMF protection glove.  Link to view the product can be found here.

EMF Radiation Protection Gloves – By: DefenderShield

However, by using the most suitable material mentioned above, one can create a version of their own.  A few choices of materials are as follows (links to

TitanRF Faraday Fabric

Copper EMF Blocking Fabric

Faraday EMI FRID Shielding Fabric

A couple videos below should help you to sew your own gloves for some DIY EMF protection.

Video 1:

Video 2:

In Conclusion

Protecting yourself from EMFs is, in my opinion, important and the need is ever increasing.  If you are the DIY type and looking for your next project to take part in, consider the above-mentioned ideas, expand on them and have some fun.

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J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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