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5 Great Low EMF Alarm Clocks

low emf alarm clocks

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In today’s world, many of us use an Alexa/Echo device or a similar style alarm clock to help get the day started.  Many more of us utilize our handy cell phone as our go-to means to wake up on time.  Convenient, right?  Of course, it is.  However, due to the amount of EMF radiation emitting from said cell phone or any other WiFi device, it has been recommended by many to keep such devices a good distance away from you as you sleep.  Furthermore. considering we spend an estimated 33% of our lifetime either sleeping or attempting to sleep, obtaining a low EMF alarm clock can be well worth researching.

Below we will discuss five low EMF alarms clocks.  My goal is to provide information regarding products that are cost effective, stylish (in my opinion), and give off minimal EMF radiation.

How EMF Radiation Can Affect Sleep

First, however, let us look at how EMF radiation can affect our sleep.  EMF radiation, in general, can affect us in many ways, from headaches to fatigue to sleeping issues, from fertility issues to depression.  Below are a few of the ways:

  • Memory issues
  • Cancer concerns
  • Problems with our reproduction system. Fertility issues
  • Genetic disorders
  • Headaches and depression
  • Tinnitus (perception of noise or ringing in the ears)
  • Fatigue, a general feeling of tiredness, daytime sleepiness
  • Disturbances of sleep, insomnia
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Difficult time concentrating
  • Feeling faint, dizziness, nausea
  • Rash, skin irritation, itchy sensation

Regarding EMF radiation and sleep, there have been a few studies that tied EMFs with a decrease in melatonin production. What is melatonin?  Well, it is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland.  What prompts the pineal gland to begin generating melatonin is darkness.  What prompts it to stop producing melatonin is the presence of light.  Man-made EMFs can sway the pineal gland into sensing light, causing an unnatural disturbance in sleeping patterns.

Battery Powered Alarm Clocks Versus Electric Alarm Clocks

Ok, so which is better in terms of giving off the least amount of EMF radiation – the battery powered alarm clock or the plugged-in, electric alarm clock?

Answer: Battery powered alarm clock.

While I believe we can all agree that using your cell phone or an Alexa/Echo type device as your primary alarm clock is worse than using a battery powered or electrically powered alarm clock, from what I have read, plugged-in, electronic alarm clocks with their cords already plugged into another source of EMF radiation (an electrical outlet), is said to give off more EMF radiation.

That is not to say, however, that battery powered alarm clocks are EMF free.  Many can also throw about much EMF radiation.  There are, however, battery alarm clocks that give off relatively low levels of EMF radiation.

Five Low EMF Alarm Clocks

So what are some options to consider when looking for low EMF alarm clocks?  Remember I personally am looking for an alarm clock that is cost effective, stylish (in my opinion), and gives off a minimal amount of EMF radiation.

The Peakeep twin bell alarm clock is 4.5 inches long by 2 inches wide by 6.25 inches high.  It is a tabletop, retro looking, alarm clock with a twin bell design.  It runs on a single AA battery, has a silent non-ticking second hand and is recommended for both heavy sleepers and those who are hearing impaired.  Hey, I like the old-style look.  Call me nostalgic.  Below is a picture of the alarm clock as well as a link provided by Peakeep Twin Bell Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers

The Peakeep Twin Bell Alarm Clock

The Marathon Mechanical Wind-Up Alarm Clock

The Marathon mechanical wind-up alarm clock does not require any batteries or electricity to function.  This plastic, tabletop, low EMF alarm clock is 3.94 inches long by 1.85 inches wide by 4.33 inches high.  Because of the lack of batteries, the alarm clock does need to be wound daily.  The alarm clock also gives off a low volume, tic toc sound.  Below is a picture of the alarm clock as well as a link provided by

The Marathon Mechanical Wind-Up Alarm Clock

The Navaris Wood Analog Alarm Clock 

The Navaris wood analog alarm clock is a semi-circle style clock that runs on a single AA battery.  It offers a classic look but with a modern twist.  The clock contains a snooze function and is non-ticking.  Below is a picture of the alarm clock as well as a link provided by

The Navaris Wood Analog Alarm Clock

The Braun Classic Analogue Alarm Clock

The Braun classic alarm clock has a crescendo beep alarm, a snooze function, and quiet hand movement.  The clock requires a single AAA to operate.  Below is a picture of the alarm clock as well as a link provided by  I simply like the no-frills look of it.  The clock contains luminous tipped hands and an iconic yellow second hand.

The Braun Classic Analogue Alarm Clock

The Tinload Small Battery Operated Analog Alarm Clock

The Tinload alarm clock is silent and non-ticking.  It offers a snooze feature and a light function.  The Tinload alarm clock runs on single AA battery and offers an increasing alarm volume feature.  Below is a picture of the alarm clock as well as a link provided by

The Tinload Analog Alarm Clock

In Conclusion

Low EMF alarm clocks can be effective and, health-wise, a better solution than that of our cell phone or a similar device.  They can also be rather stylish in a simplistic and nostalgic manner.  Sure, you can not surf the internet or text with your friends on them, but with the simple goals in mind of sleeping, waking up on time, and knowing what time it is, I believe going a little old school can be a safer and still stylish option.

Although I seem to instinctively wake up from a good night sleep about 5 or 10 minutes before my alarm clock has the opportunity to wake me up, I do set one just in case.  After all, I do not want to oversleep for that important work meeting or social event.

For other recommendations to reduce the amount of EMFs present in your bedroom and affecting you sleep, I would recommend checking out two other articles present on this site – EMF radiation and Sleep and EMF Protection for the Bedroom.   Sleep well and be well.

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EMF Alarm Clock Options

J. Jefferies

Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and well protected. This website’s mission is to share any and all research I encounter so that you can better protect your family and protect yourself from the dangers of EMF radiation. Let some knowledge shine through! And be well.

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